Exhibition by Pavel Kovalev "Architectural project as an object of art"
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с 30 Мая
по 29 ИюняГалерея “Artefice”
Петроградская наб., д.22
Artefice Gallery is launching a new exhibition project, closely connected with architectural designs, within the framework of which exhibitions, seminars, training, and architectural performances will be held during the year.

We want to combine engineering and art, attract the attention of viewers to the work of architects, change the traditional vision, providing the opportunity to look at the design of volumetric-spatial solutions as an object of fine art.
The start of the project will be marked by the opening on May 30, 2018 of the exhibition by Pavel Kovalev ¬ “Architectural project as an object of art”. The author of the works is a graduate of the faculty of monumental painting of the St. Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I.E. Repin, student A.A. Mylnikova, a member of the Union of Artists, with many years of experience in the leading architectural bureaus of St. Petersburg.
“… the sheets of its axonometrics and orthogonal projections, the variety of their combinations, the rhythm of the masses, the dynamics of the correlation of horizontals and verticals, the complex compositions of curved volumes, and finally the musicality of color solutions awaken the imagination!” (N. Kuteinikova, Ph.D., professor Department of Russian Art, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts, member of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation, member of the Association of Art Critics)
The mock-ups and architectural graphics presented at the exposition will clearly show the viewer the creative process of creating numerous volumetric-spatial projects by Pavel Kovalev. The artist’s works will open to visitors of the exhibition the opportunity to see architecture not only through the prism of the creation process, but also to appreciate the beauty and artistic expressiveness of architectural projects as an integral part of the interior.
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