Exhibition "Pablo Picasso. Paragraphs"
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с 26 Апреля
по 26 МаяКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 103
From April 26, the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (ul. Lenina, 103) opens the exhibition “Pablo Picasso. Paragraphs. " She represents the work of Pablo Picasso (1881 - 1973) - one of the most famous artists who determined the nature and development of world art of the twentieth century.

Pablo Piscasso was born on October 25, 1881 in the Spanish city of Magale in the family of a professional painter. From childhood, he studied under the guidance of his father. In 1895 he went to study at the Barcelona School of Fine Arts, then in 1897 - at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando in Madrid, but soon left it, as it seemed to him uninteresting. In 1900, he and his friend left for Paris, where he became acquainted with contemporary art. Most of his life, Picasso lived in France, therefore, it is equally considered both a Spanish and a French artist. Already in the 1900s, he declared himself as a mature master. Picasso became world famous for developing, together with Georges Braque (1882 - 1963) and Juan Gris (1887 - 1927), a new direction in art - cubism. Picasso lived for 91 years, and throughout his hectic personal and creative life, he was engaged in painting and graphics, but also in sculpture, ceramics, worked as a theater artist, designer. He died on April 21, 1973 in the city of Mougins, France.
You can get acquainted with individual pages of the artist’s creative biography at the opening exhibition, which is called “Paragraphs,” since it includes the work of the main stages of the master’s work. The early period is represented by lithographs from the works of the series “Blue Color of Barcelona” (“Les Bleus de Barcelone”), created in Barcelona and Paris in 1898 - 1904 under the influence of French art. The same series includes works of the “blue period”, which sound notes of sadness, longing, loneliness, provocative personal experiences of the artist, so they are built on shades of gray-blue and dark gray tones.
The cubist period in the works of Pablo Picasso is represented by lithographs of the Papiers Collés series, that is, paper collages created by the artist in 1910 - 1914. Collage as a formal experiment in the art of cubism was first applied by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque. With this technique, the artists strove to break the image on a plane, to present pictorial-plastic forms in a new way.
The exhibition presents 27 sketches for the artist’s most famous work - the monumental painting “Guernica”, created by the artist in 1937. In this picture, in a complex, metaphorical form, he reflected the results of the barbaric bombing of the small Spanish town of Guernica on April 26, 1937. Sketches allow you to follow the path of creating this picture.
One of the significant topics in the work of Picasso - female images in which he captured his lovers. The exhibition presents several portraits created in 1940 - 1960 in different styles: from portraits executed in a realistic manner in compliance with classic proportions to surreal ones.
The late period of Picasso’s work falls on 1950 - 1960. An idea of it is given by several works from the series “War and Peace” (“La Guerre et la Paix”), which reflected the democratic beliefs of the artist. As a Spaniard, Picasso was fascinated by bullfighting, which was reflected in a series of his works full of expression “Bulls and Bullfighters” (“Toros Y Toreros”).
Many works by Picasso, performed in one copy, became known thanks to the lithographs made from them. The exhibition features more than sixty copyright lithographs from paintings and drawings by the artist from private collections in Germany, Belgium and France. The exhibition is supplemented by information stands where you can see rare photographs of artists and materials telling his life and work.
The exhibition will run from April 26 to May 26, 2019 at the premises of the Information and Educational and Exhibition Center of the KIIA (103 Lenin St.).
The museum is open from 10.00 to 18.00, on Saturday from 11.00 to 19.00. Monday is the day off.
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