Exhibition "Shades of Time"
Automatic translate
с 6 Сентября
по 8 ОктябряУсадьба В.П. Сукачева
ул. Декабрьских Событий, 112
September 6 at 16.00 in the Estate of V. P. Sukachev opens an exhibition of graphics by Elena Pavlova "Shades of Time." Etchings, watercolors, bookplates, book graphics - in the exhibition halls are presented all the best that was created by the author for 20 years of creative activity. A graduate of the Irkutsk Art College and the Krasnoyarsk Art Institute, she equally shows her talent in painting, graphics and pedagogy.
Twenty years of teaching activity have connected Elena Pavlova with the Department of Gemology of the Irkutsk National Research Technical University, where she currently works as an assistant professor and teaches art disciplines for students specializing in the Technology of Artistic Processing of Materials. Her students become diplomas and laureates of all-Russian and international creative competitions. The artist willingly shares his experience at the Center for Children’s Creativity of Architecture and Design "Pyramid". At the interregional festivals “Architecture of Eastern Siberia”, held in different cities of Russia, she was awarded gold and silver diplomas for the development of children’s architectural and artistic creativity, the methodology of the full cycle of instruction and the unfolding of the creative potential of children.
The artist herself masterly owns various graphic techniques and techniques. High professional skill and a reverent attitude to the genre of book illustration revealed another facet in Elena Pavlova: for more than fifteen years, she has designed and illustrated print publications of Irkutsk writers, including Valentina Sidorenko, Raisa Lobatskaya, Igor Oskin, Nikolai Zarubin, Gleb Pakulov.
An exhibition of works by Elena Pavlova draws the viewer to simple and eternal truths: to thinking about the uninterrupted flow of time and the pristine beauty of the world.
The exposition “Shades of Time” will open on September 6 at 16.00 in the Estate of V.P. Sukachev (112 December Events Street). Entrance to the opening is free. Phone for inquiries: 53-12-24. The exhibition will run until October 8th.