Exhibition "From Irkutsk Province to the Irkutsk Region" to the 80th anniversary of the region
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с 10 Августа
по 8 ОктябряИркутский областной художественный музей им. В.П. Сукачева
ул. Ленина, 5
August 10 at 16:00 in the Main building of the Irkutsk Regional Art Museum. V.P. Sukachev (Lenin St., 5) opens the exhibition "From the Irkutsk province to the Irkutsk region", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the region.
From Irkutsk province to the Irkutsk region. Smagin V.G. BAM is under construction
Founded in 1937, the Irkutsk Regional Art Museum is the same age as the Irkutsk Region. Throughout its existence, the museum has collected evidence of the history of the formation of the Irkutsk region, embodied in the paintings of remarkable artists of the Baikal region and Siberia.
The exposition is divided into several thematic blocks reflecting the main events of the region’s history. The great past of the Irkutsk region is represented by a section devoted to the Irkutsk province. It consists of portraits of emperors and representatives of the clergy, prominent officials and merchants-patrons, landscapes of picturesque corners of the province. The names of Empress Catherine II, N. N. Muravyov-Amursky, M. M. Speransky, A. D. Goremykin, Bishops of Irkutsk and Nerchinsky Mikhail Mitkevich, Irkutsk and Verkholensky Tikhon Donebin-Troitsky, merchants E. A. Kuznetsov and A. K Medvednikova is firmly associated with a high level of development of spirituality, charity, and welfare of the Irkutsk province. The history of the Irkutsk region is represented by several sections of the exposition: the beauty of nature and its wealth, people of work and intelligentsia, the Great Patriotic War and great Siberian buildings, as well as the modern look of cities - all this is embodied in the works of major Siberian and metropolitan masters: Boris Lebedinsky, Anatoly Alekseev, Arkady Vychugzhanin, Gleb Bogdanov, Vitaly Smagin, Evtikhiy Konev, Ilya Glazunov, Vladimir Zhemerikin and many others.
The exhibition dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Irkutsk region will continue a series of celebrations and will be a gift for Irkutsk residents and residents of the region. It will open on August 10 at 16.00 in the main building of the museum (Lenina, 5). Entrance to the opening, according to museum tradition, is free. The exposition will run until October 8th. Phone for inquiries: 34-01-46.
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