Exhibition "Caution - Painted. Not vandalism!"
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с 11 Марта
по 2 АпреляТворческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, дом 70-72
Design Club Gallery, 2nd floor
March 11 in the creative cluster of ARTMUZA vernissage of the exhibition "Caution - is painted. Not vandalism! ”During the event, everyone will be able to chat with the authors of the exhibitions, ask provocative questions and learn more about the world of street artists.

The purpose of the exposition is to introduce the viewer to the culture of writers, which undoubtedly causes a great resonance in society and carries value as a social and cultural phenomenon. Today, street artists are literate designers and artists with several target educations. The authors pay more attention to the artistic component of their works, seriality, font, composition and plastic, their own unique style, raising the ethical issues of the images used and the goals of expression.
For the exhibition, Yegor Holtov provided many unique posters, which showcases not only recognizable images, but also flaunts many of the vices of modern society, ridiculing primarily the cult of consumption, template thinking and spirituality of existence. Granny taking a selfie; grandfather-bum, who demands “free hugs” on a cardboard, a young guy who has everything “tip-top” or a fat guy who claims “my life - my rules”. Everything indicates shocking and causes public dissonance.
Author Roman Khokhlov also all contributed to the formation of public protest. The street artist is convinced: “You can’t do something conformal, I chose one where there are fewer canons and where you can endlessly experiment. I can do anything, and no one will tell me that I am going against the school. "
Taking into account the fact that street art authors often create their paintings not only as a protest against the sociocultural or political problems of society, but also against traditional forms of art, Roman Khokhlov describes street art for himself more as an emotional necessity. where this expression also becomes a struggle against commercial art and against the art that is taught in academies and exhibited in galleries.
“The streets are our galleries. In no other place can so easily reach such a huge number of people. This is a chance to express yourself, release your creative potential, ”- R. Khokhlov.
Street art - a concept that combines a variety of forms, techniques and trends. And in general, as a phenomenon, he counts no more than 30 years. It does not matter where and how the various street art objects are located. The task of street art is to convey to the viewer a certain idea so that he would like to tell the rest about the “artistic message”. This direction of art is developing to this day and is welcomed with great enthusiasm.
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