Exhibition Olga Shea "Insomnia" (Insomnia)
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с 3 Августа
по 7 СентябряТворческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, д.70
Olga Shi creates delicate and sophisticated interior panels using several techniques at once. This is a textile collage, hand-made silk-screen printing, drawing, graphics.
The collage uses a variety of textures and colors, which gives the work volume. Silkscreen printing has a secondary role, but at the same time gives the work graphic. It complements and clarifies, focuses on what has already been said with the help of a collage.
The result is a multilayer panel, where each layer, despite the difference, complements each other and creates a complete impression.
At the exhibition "Insomnia" or insomnia, 16 works in the author’s art are presented. Multilayer and decorative, they create a new sense of reality, immersing the viewer in refracting textures, as if in a kaleidoscope. As in a dream, everything is possible here. The spirit of travel, the faces of cities, holographic interchanges, denim swift skyscrapers, fantastic forest animals and even the fragrance of spring magnolia.
You can meet a knitted roof, or knitted waves running ashore. Woolen blends convey the tenderness and warmth of nature, the mixing of various fabrics - creates a motley pulsating industrial landscape, a luminous stream of machines. The energetic works of the author are both intriguing, attractive, exciting and soothing. Manifesting through bright, exciting colors and textures, enhanced by contrasting graphics.
Olga Shi has been working in the direction of art design for a long time, participates in group exhibitions and at the same time collaborates with a large company as a textile artist.
Dates of the exhibition: 03.08 to 7.09.15
Creative cluster ARTMUZA,
Start-pad “Ul. Malevich ", 3rd floor,
IN. 13-line, d. 72
Creative biography of the author:
Olga Shi
Graduate of the University. Herzen St. Petersburg (2012) and the Cheboksary Art College (2008).
Currently, he is collaborating with one of the leading Russian companies developing fashionable clothes as a textile artist. Creates author’s interior panels of the direction of art textiles, in mixed media: graphics, collage, silk-screen printing.
2014 - Personal exhibition Art Center Borey
2014 - Group exhibition Erarta Gallery, London
2014 - Group exhibition of the Union of Designers of Russia, St. Petersburg.
2014 - Exhibition "Fashion Industry". As part of the Next Generation contest, St. Petersburg.
In 2013, she participated in the 9th St. Petersburg Biennale "Modulor 2013" in the nomination "Art Design", St. Petersburg.
In 2012, the thesis “Flora” participated in the exhibition of creative works of the branch of the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg.
From 2009 to the present, the diploma work “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King” is exhibited on an ongoing basis at the State Museum named after I. Yakovleva, Cheboksary.
Since 2006, a participant in exhibitions of regional significance, works are in private collections in Russia and Austria.
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