Exhibition of one painting by Pyotr Sukhodolsky "Night Landscape" 0+
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с 11 по 30 Мая
Калужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 104
On May 11, within the framework of the Art Chronograph project, the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts will host an exhibition of one painting by Pyotr Sukhodolsky "Night Landscape".

A native of the Kaluga land, Pyotr Aleksandrovich Sukhodolsky (1835-1903) was a master of realistic landscape, an adherent of the academic school of painting in the mid-19th - early 20th centuries, academician of the Imperial Academy of Arts.
Only a few works by P. Sukhodolsky are kept in the funds of our museum, but they give an idea of the versatility of the painter’s talent, who managed to express the discreet beauty of the landscape of central Russia through artistic means, show the dynamics of movement in genre works and immerse the viewer in the lyrical atmosphere of the southern latitudes he depicts.
The artwork "Night Landscape" exhibited at the exhibition was written in the second half of the 19th century. During this period of time, the artist P. Sukhodolsky was already a graduate of the Academy of Arts, who received the right to a retirement trip to Europe for a period of six years. However, following the example of M. Klodt, three years later he submitted a petition to the Council of the Academy of Arts in order to prematurely end his stay abroad, return to Russia and continue painting landscapes at home. In 1878, Petr Sukhodolsky’s petition was satisfied and, returning to Russia, he enthusiastically began work on the motives of Russian nature. For the remaining three years of retirement, the artist visits the provinces of the central part of Russia, Ukraine, and the northern territories. Around this period, "Night Landscape" was created.
The work "Night Landscape" is a detailed description of nature in combination with genre motives, which in recent years of work of Pyotr Sukhodolsky was encountered quite often. The artist turns to a more complex and voluminous artistic process, comprehending the inextricable connection between man and nature.
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