Exhibition of one painting "Construction" by Alexander Rodchenko
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с 10 Февраля
по 10 МартаКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 104
On February 10, the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts will host an exhibition of one painting "Construction" by Alexander Rodchenko, dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the artist’s birth.

Alexander Mikhailovich Rodchenko (1891-1956) - Russian and Soviet painter, graphic artist, sculptor, poster artist, photographer, theater and cinema artist. His creative activity laid the foundation for the formation of Soviet design and advertising. He is also one of the founders of constructivism - a new direction in the visual arts, architecture, photography and DPI.
The collection of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts contains two small graphic works by Alexander Rodchenko - geometric abstractions called "Constructions", made in woodcut technique in 1919. Modest at first glance, the works demonstrate the author’s already mature searches in the area of a new direction - constructivism. His experiments became a prerequisite for the appearance of design in advertising, posters, interior solutions and architecture. The artist is looking for harmonious combinations of large and small geometric shapes, looking for the rhythms of lines. In subsequent years, all these developments will form the basis of compositional solutions for advertising posters, where short, capacious, easily remembered texts fit into brightly colored figures.
The name of Alexander Rodchenko is widely known not only in Russia, but also abroad, since his innovative ideas had a wide resonance, and to this day continue to exert a significant influence on contemporary artists, designers, photographers. Rodchenko’s works are in the State Tretyakov Gallery, State Russian Museum, MLK Pushkin Museum, GMM, Moscow House of Photography, MoMA, Ludwig Museum in Cologne and other collections. In 2006, the Rodchenko Moscow School of Photography and Multimedia was opened, and in 2016, Rodchenko Street appeared in Moscow.
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