An exhibition of one work by V.I. Chuprun "Portrait of N. N. Goncharova"
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с 13 Февраля
по 15 АпреляКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 104
From February 13, the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (104 Lenin St.) will open an exhibition of a work by V.I. Chuprun "Portrait of N.N. Goncharova. "
The exhibition is dedicated to the 65th birthday of the author - Vladimir Ilyich Chuprun (1953 - 2004) - a famous Russian sculptor, member of the Union of Artists of Russia. He was born March 16, 1953 in the Orenburg region, from 1968 to 1972 he studied at the Penza Art College.
K. Savitsky. Then he continued his artistic education at the Moscow State Art Institute. V. Surikov, who graduated in 1978. After several years of living in the Urals and Siberia, he moved to Kaluga in 1985, and all his subsequent fate is connected with our city.
V.I. Chuprun was a talented sculptor, a true master of his craft, no matter what material he turned to - bronze, wood, marble - the works he created were filled with spiritual meaning and were distinguished by high mastery of execution. As art criticism has repeatedly noted, “… V. I. Chuprun could turn any stump of wood, any piece of stone into a work of art, ”he was able to think artistically, translate his creative ideas into plastically expressive images. His work was highly appreciated by his contemporaries; he became the laureate of the Kaluga Regional Competition named after A. E. Kulikov six times in the nomination “sculpture”. In addition, V. I. Chuprun participated in All-Union, All-Russian, international exhibitions. His works are in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts, in the State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics. K. E. Tsiolkovsky, at the Art Fund Gallery (Moscow), in personal collections abroad (USA, Israel, Norway, Italy).
In 2008, the widow of the sculptor E. L. Chudakova, a bas-relief “Portrait of N. N. Goncharova”, executed in 2001, was transferred to the collection of the Regional Art Gallery “Image”. This portrait is the artist’s appeal to the Pushkin theme, which for many Kaluga residents is associated primarily with the Linen Factory, and, of course, with the image of Natalia Nikolaevna Goncharova, the muse and wife of A. S. Pushkin.
In a bas-relief, the sculptor depicts Natalya Nikolaevna in the Linen Factory: she is represented in profile against a park landscape, which is indicated by the visible part of the column and the crown of the tree. The breastplate silhouette of Natalya Nikolaevna in a dress with a deep neckline, outlined by a linear contour, is distinguished by the elegance of a plastic solution. In its internal content, its image is unusually subtle and lyrical. In this portrait image, the author comes to an ideally generalized understanding of the image of N. N. Goncharova as the ideal of beauty and femininity. The image of N. N. Goncharova, framed by a bas-relief frame, gives the whole image integrity. The compositional technique of the profile image of the model against the landscape, used by V.I. Chuprun, indicates an appeal to the traditions of the female portrait of the early Renaissance.
The exhibition runs until April 15th.
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