Exhibition "Public Architecture - The Future of Europe" 0+
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с 31 Января
по 10 МаяГосударственный музей архитектуры имени А.В. Щусева
ул. Воздвиженка, д.5/25

From January 31 to May 10, the A. Shchusev State Museum of Architecture will host the exhibition "Public Architecture - the Future of Europe", organized by the European Cultural Center (Russia and Italy).
The exhibition "Public Architecture - the Future of Europe" will show already completed, not yet implemented and even imaginary architectural projects and will introduce the ideas of architects studying urban planning, innovation and environmental issues. The exhibition will feature projects of social housing, green buildings, eco-houses, educational and public spaces, train stations and airports.
More than forty project participants - architects, photographers, construction companies and architectural firms, universities and cultural foundations - will share ideas that contribute to the revitalization and prosperity of cities, as well as show how to develop alternative approaches in modern architecture, preserving the cultural heritage of Europe.
The exhibition will tell about the modern public architecture of Europe and the new generation of professionals who shape our future, develop a dialogue on architecture on all continents and learn from a variety of practices.
Exhibition projects will be presented in nine rooms of the A.V. Shchusev State Museum of Architecture: several of them will be devoted to one organization or project, in other rooms group projects will be presented, many of which will be created specifically for the exhibition.
Among the exhibitors: Technological Institute in Karlsruhe (Germany), Ural State University of Architecture and Art (Russia), Mies van der Rohe Foundation (Spain), 3RW arkitekter (Norway); Andrey Bokov (Russia); Apt Architecture (Italy / USA); Architectural Democracy (Finland); Baar-Baarenfels Architects (Austria); Bjørnådal Arkitektstudio (Norway); Carlos Seoane Arquitectura (Spain); Chalet in Action (Malta); Christoph Hesse Architects (Germany); Craft (Portugal); Cristina Parreño Architecture (USA); Duplex Architekten (Switzerland); Form4 Architecture (USA); GRAS (Great Britain); Happycheap + Merom architects (UK); Ideal Spaces Working Group (Germany); IttenBrechbühl Basel (Switzerland); KAAF Architects (Greece); Kirsh + Dereka Arkitekter (Sweden); Laboratory for Visionary Architecture (LAVA); (Austria / Germany); M + R interior architecture (Netherlands); Mæ (United Kingdom); Oblò Architetti (Italy); Peter Kulka Architektur (Germany); Schulz und Schulz (Germany); Sei Studio (Iceland); Souto Moura + Pinearq (Spain); UNStudio (Netherlands); VidalArquitectos (Mexico).
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