Exhibition "Promises of the Future"
Automatic translate
с 14 по 21 Ноября
Галерея “Нико”
Большой Тишинский пер., 19, стр. 1

The Future Promises exhibition explores the way in which an idea is brought to life in a visual context and how a promise opens up the horizon of future possibilities, be they aesthetic, political or social. The world of tomorrow is shaped by the people, events and technologies that emerge today.
This exhibition brings together 6 artists: recent art school and school graduates, self-taught artists, and professional authors. The undeniable physical reality of the objects on display can give the impression that the future has already been determined. But new things contain unpredictable potential and opportunities, often unforeseen even for their creators.
Alena Alekseeva
Kankasova Elena
Komissarova Ekaterina
Lunika Katya
Peregudova Anna
Teplukhina Evgeniya
Frich Olesya
The opening hours of the exposition are
November 14-21, 2020 from 10 - 18 h.
Gallery "Niko" Moscow, Bolshoi Tishinsky per., 19, building 1
Entrance to the exhibition is free
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