Exhibition of Nikolai Tereshchenko (painting) and Pavel Turaev (sculpture)
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с 1 Января
по 10 МаяРоссийская академия художеств
Пречистенка, 21
April 21, 2015 Russian Academy of Arts at the address: st. Prechistenka, house 21 presents an exhibition of works by honored artists of Russia, corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Arts Nikolai Tereshchenko (painting) and Pavel Turaev (sculpture).
ANNIVERSARY EXHIBITION OF THE FAMOUS MOSCOW SCULPTOR P. TURAEV "SCULPTURE-2015. ISOMORPHIC TRANSFORMATION AND OTHER EXPERIMENTS ” presents the works of recent years, as well as a retrospective of his work. P. Turaev was born in Moscow in 1955. In 1973 he graduated from the Moscow Art School, and in 1979 - Moscow State Academic Art Institute. V.I.Surikov, workshop of the largest masters of domestic sculpture N.V. Tomskogo and M.F. Baburin. Since 1983 - Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR, member of the VTOO "Union of Artists of Russia", the Moscow Union of Artists, as well as the Association of Moscow Sculptors. He was awarded diplomas and medals of the Russian Academy of Arts and Creative Unions of Russia. The sculptural works of P.N. Turaev are in collections of Russian and foreign museums, as well as in private collections in Russia and abroad.
The world of his sculptural images is distinguished by the polyphonic harmony of plastic forms, a variety of compositional solutions and artistic styles. The artist owns a rich arsenal of classical and modern plastic. Paying tribute to the traditions of the academic school, he also uses various methods of shaping in his work - hyperbolization of forms, elements of abstraction, constructive solutions, etc., while preserving the figurative representation of the image “as a unity of differences”.
The works presented at the exhibition demonstrate the results of the artist’s active experiments with various materials: bronze, ceramics, fireclay, gypsum, etc., revealing the expressive capabilities of each material.
Sculptural compositions, portraits, small-scale plastic, included in the exposition, give an idea of the main themes of Turaev’s work - these are portraits of contemporaries, sports, the Nude series, somnambulist, Eva-Eden, the world of “our smaller brothers”, etc.
P. Turaev particularly appreciates the traditions of the Russian academic sculpture school and claims that sculpture today is the personification of the continuity of the connection of times: the art of the past will always nourish the inspiration of the artist and serve as a source of rethinking.
EXHIBITION OF WORKS NIKOLA TERESHENKO extremely fully and capaciously characterizes the work of this interesting master. His works are always recognizable, but at the same time they do not duplicate the once found plastic trick. Each theme, exciting the author, finds its own unique pictorial interpretation, embodied either in expressive, catchy canvases or impressionistly colorful canvases, or in works appealing to almost abstract solutions. This gives the impression of the many faces of the artist, which reflects his contradictory nature as accurately as possible.
N. Tereshchenko was born in Moscow in 1953. In 1976 he graduated from Moscow State Art Institute named after IN AND. Surikov, workshop of Professor D.K. Mochalsky faculty of easel painting, studied with wonderful teachers G.G. Korolev and V.I.Nekrasov.
Already in his student years, N. Tereshchenko participated in youth exhibitions, and later, having entered 1979 in the Union of Artists of the USSR - in Moscow, Republican, All-Union, International. In his creative biography there are many personal exhibitions. The artist travels a lot, holds master classes, where he is happy to share his experience and secrets of craftsmanship with beginner brothers in the workshop.
High professionalism, the traditions of classical art - the basis of his work. The cycle on biblical themes, all the works of recent years are striking in their bare sincerity, each of them opens up new facets of the artist’s talent. If the early works of N. Tereshchenko are characterized by the complexity of the pictorial texture, multi-figure compositions, marked by bold angles and ease of manipulation of the pattern and color, then later canvases are distinguished by their plastic simplicity and extreme laconicism of form. The works of Nikolai Tereshchenko reveal the passionate nature of a person who is uncompromising in his work and who works the way he lives - loving, hating, admiring, longing, suffering, repenting and forgiving, sharing his feelings with the world the most organic plastic language of the great Art for him.
The master’s works are in the Oryol State Literary Museum, in the Yaroslavl Art Museum, in the Bakhrushin Theater Museum in Moscow, in the Moscow Darwin Museum, in the Ludwig Museum in Cologne, in many galleries and private collections in Russia, Japan, France, Italy, Finland, Denmark, UK, China.
The exhibition runs on May 10, 2015.
- "Isomorphic transformation" Exhibition of works by Pavel Turaev in the Russian Academy of Arts
- "Tablets. 66. Tablichki." Exhibition of works by Nikolai Tereshchenko
- "This is us!". Exhibition of works by Igor Smirnov. Graphics, caricature