Exhibition "Nikas Safronov. Favorites"
Automatic translate
с 22 Сентября
по 13 НоябряИркутский областной художественный музей им. В.П. Сукачева
ул. Ленина, 5
In the Irkutsk Art Museum. From September 22 to November 13, 2016 V.P.Sukachev will have a personal exhibition of the Honored Artist of Russia Nikas Safronov. The audience will see unique paintings in the author’s style of "DreamVision", canvases filled with symbolism, portraits of celebrities. In particular, among the exhibition works are portraits of Angelina Jolie, Natalie Portman, Rutger Hauer, Luc Besson, Nicole Kidman, Maria Callas, Catherine Deneuve and others. In total, about a hundred works will be exhibited: this is both painting and graphics. The exhibition will be located on the second floor of the main museum building on the street. Lenin, 5.
In the first days of the exhibition, Nikas Safronov plans to hold several creative meetings with visitors, where you can not only personally ask your questions to the artist, but even get an autograph.
Note that this is the second exhibition of Nikas Safronov in the Irkutsk Art Museum. The first took place in April 2009, then about 50 works were submitted.
Visiting the exhibition will be free for children under 7 years of age, as well as for disabled people and veterans of World War II. The cost of tickets for other categories of visitors: an adult - 300 rubles, students and pensioners - 250 rubles, students - 150 rubles. The cost of a ticket for a creative meeting with Safronov is 500 rubles.
Inquiries by phone: 34-01-46.
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