Exhibition "Permanent Power". 6+
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с 6 Марта
по 7 АпреляГалерея “На Каширке”
ул. Ак.Миллионщикова, д.35, корп.5
March 6, 2018 in the gallery "On Kashirka" of the Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" opens the exhibition "INDEPENDENT POWER. Woman on the Magazine Cover ”dedicated to International Women’s Day.
The exposition presents a retrospective of women’s magazines of the first half of the twentieth century. It allows us to trace the transformation of both the external appearance of our great-grandmothers and grandmothers, and ideas about the place of women in society for half a century.
Demonstrated magazines carry information about the daily lives of women and their activities related to both family and household issues, and their social activities in peacetime and at turning points in the history of the country. Being an objective marker of the era, the magazine cover captures the current events of its time, and therefore becomes a valuable and clear historical source.
The name of the exhibition - “Permanent Power” - puts forward an affirmative thesis about the enduring role of women in the social life of society and the eternal symbol of beauty. Is it so? - the answer will be found by everyone who gets acquainted with this unique exhibition.
The exposition is complemented by items of women’s clothing, accessories and jewelry from the collection of the Moscow Fashion Museum.
The exhibition “Permanent Power” is a selection of women’s magazines of the 1910s – 1960s from an extensive collection of Moscow bibliophiles Alexei and Sergey Vengerov. This project continues a series of educational exhibitions organized in Russia and abroad on the basis of a collection of books and printed publications of collectors.
Father and son of Vengerov are graduates of the Moscow Aviation Institute, laureates of the Russian Government Prize in the field of culture (2011) for the unique publishing project Bibliography. Alexey Anatolyevich Vengerov - professor, doctor of technical sciences.
Project Curator - Galina Kuzmina
Project partner - Fashion Museum
Gallery "On Kashirka"
Tue-Sun 11.00-20.00
Entrance ticket 100 rub., Preferential 50 rub.
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