Exhibition "Towards Life"
Automatic translate
с 22 Января
по 28 ФевраляКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 104
January 22, 2016 at 16:00 in the exhibition hall of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts will host the grand opening of the exhibition "Towards Life" (Creators of the 21st century).
The era in which we have the honor to live is the era of the beginning of the 21st century - the time of the most difficult changes, social and spiritual searches in the life of all mankind. The world is changing. Distances between countries and continents are already calculated in milliseconds. Communities of people thousands of kilometers apart decide what is popular today and what will be forgotten tomorrow.
The crisis is most acute for creative people - poets, musicians, artists. And if in the view of many the world collapses, then everyone’s business becomes the need to recreate some harmony, peace and beauty.
All the more significant is the holding by the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts of the exhibition “Towards Life” (Creators of the 11th century) of young artists of the art department of the Kaluga Regional College of Culture and Arts. The exposition acquaints the viewer with the best diploma works of 2015, the jubilee X edition of the specialty "Painting". Each picture demonstrates the high level of professionalism and skill acquired by students at the college. Young people care about everything: current problems in creativity that arise today, the search for new forms, plots and topics. This is natural. Undoubtedly, one must look, because art is not a frozen lava, and in his work the master should not cling to seemingly unshakable formulas and canons. But in art, you cannot step to the heights through the steps. And those young people who want to step over the experience of the past without trying to rethink it in their work, who, rejoicing in their emancipation, come to the complete denial of nature, will eventually understand how they lost touch with life, abstract conclusions, no matter how original they are expressed in the canvas, hung in the air. Nothing grows out of nothing. Therefore, students use the realistic tradition of the classics.
This exhibition is dedicated to the works of graduates of the creative workshop of artists Zolotarev S. N. and Karyakina N. A., and the creative workshop of the artist Minchenko L. K.
An appeal to the theme of the Motherland, its history, which the artists examined through the issues and problems of human being, life and death, war and peace, hope and beauty, was no exception in the present diploma works, however, the large and small Motherland became part of the whole large opening to graduates world, part of their future life, part of themselves. That is why in each of the works one can observe either a self-portrait or images of fellow students, personal friends and relatives of the authors of the paintings.
We believe that our Motherland Russia is an exceptional environment!
Environment is a capacious concept. It contains the ancestors, the family, the people around us, and the culture we are in contact with, and the nature around, and objects, and buildings, and landscapes, whether rural or urban.
Therefore, with such interest, students depict interiors, landscapes, portraits. And all is a trace of human activity, its reflection, a mirror of a person, a trace of his soul. Striking in the students’ works is the bizarre-graceful modern silhouette of the city, a generous combination of seemingly incompatible elements, old streets, side streets, city corners and courtyards. A variety of houses and lodges, bars, porches, doors and windows. But the soul of the city is the people who live in it. Therefore, with genuine attention the guys peer into the images of contemporaries and personalities of the historical past.
How many people, so many fates. How amazing is a human life. Students learn not only to competently perform work, but, above all, to empathize.
Therefore, their work is so sincere and interesting, albeit not quite right from the technical point of view, they make you stop in the bustle of everyday worries, think and try to realize the world around us and ourselves.
The exposition allows talking about the originality of artistic handwriting, a serious philosophical understanding of life and modernity. In the general picture of creative searches, new plastic and coloristic decisions and achievements, one can see the fruitful development of the traditions of a realistic language. Such works, undoubtedly, are of interest to a wide variety of categories of people, both young and older. Each author of this exhibition has his own attitude to the urgent problem and the desire to say this is the firm position of a true citizen, striving to make his state and the whole world better.
In general, the mood of the exhibition can be described as major. Youth, a feeling of freshness, admiring life - these are the components of the general major chord, which sounds in the halls of the museum.
The exhibition will run until February 28, at the address: st. Lenin, 104 (exhibition hall)
- Exhibition "Artists of the Kaluga Land"
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