The exhibition "The heirs of the great masters" in the Art Gallery of Zurab Tsereteli
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December 23, 2014 at 17 hours in the halls of the Museum and Exhibition Complex of the Russian Academy of Arts of the Zurab Tsereteli Art Gallery at the address: st. Prechistenka, 19 opens the exhibition "The heirs of the great masters."
The exhibition will be held from December 23, 2014 to January 11, 2015.
The exposition included over 250 graduate works of graduates of the St. Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I.E. Repin and the Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov.
Diploma of the I.E. Repin Institute
Such exhibitions have traditionally been organized from the very first years of the Academy of Arts, the main center for the training of professional artists, which determined the policy of the Russian state in the field of fine art. Among the graduates of the Imperial - Russian Academy of Arts for its nearly three hundred-year history - a whole galaxy of brilliant world-class masters. These are V. Bazhenov, A. Losenko, F. Shubin, M. Kozlovsky, I. Martos, A. Voronikhin, A. Zakharov, K. Bryullov, A. Ivanov, I. Repin, V. Polenov, V. Surikov, V.Serov and others.
The Presidium of the Russian Academy of Arts is constantly paying attention to the development of the national art school. Many academics, starting with the president of the Academy Zurab Konstantinovich Tsereteli, are actively engaged in teaching activities in universities, regularly conduct master classes and classes with children and youth.
Gallant century. Borchukova Yu.V. Institute named after I.E. Repin
Moscow State Academic Art Institute V.I.Surikova and St. Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture I.E. Repina - the largest creative universities in the country. The unique methods and training programs in them were formed by the best domestic masters - talented teachers and practical artists, including P.P. Chistyakov, V.V. Mate, M.M. Antokolsky, V.G. Perov, A.K. Savrasov, V. D. Polenov, A. M. Vasnetsov, K. A. Korovin, K. F. Yuon, I. E. Grabar, P. D. Korin, A. A. Deineka, S. V. Gerasimov and others. The institutes have a clear structure of faculties - painting, sculpture, graphics, architecture, art history. Russian and foreign students can fully master the secrets of professional excellence. The workshops are run by wonderful artists known for their vibrant creative personality, whose works are in the largest collections in the world.
Averyanova V.A. Institute named after V.I.Surikov
The exhibition demonstrates diploma works carried out under the guidance of teachers and masters of the fine arts of St. Petersburg: A.S. Andreev, Yu.G. Bobrov, A.K. Bystrov, V.V. Zagonek, O.A. Yeremeyev, Yu. V. Kalyuty, A. A. Pakhomova, V. S. Pesikov, S. N. Repin, A. S. Charkin, V. E. Gorevoy and Moscow - E. N. Maksimova, T. G. Nazarenko, N. N. Solomina, V. M. Sidorova, M. V. Pereyaslavets, A. I. Rukavishnikov, O. M. Savostyuk, A. A. Lubavin, A. T. Salakhova, A. I. Teslik, D. A. Cherbaji and others.
Komysa M.M. Institute named after V.I.Surikov
Each of the institutes has separate sections. The workshops of easel, monumental, theatrical and decorative, church-historical painting, workshops of restoration of painting are widely and multifaceted. Young artists turn to a wide variety of topics - biblical, historical, to the events of modern life. Large-scale and chamber canvases, mosaics, sketches of murals of churches and public interiors, sketches of scenery for performances - the exhibition gives an idea of all the forms of painting in which graduates try themselves. Possessing the traditional techniques of fine art, the authors are in constant search for new expressive means. They explore various modern materials, experiment with a combination of textures, actively work with space, creating original variants of the synthesis of painting and architecture. A strong domestic school of graphics, which is causing great interest in the world today, is represented by the works of graduates of the workshops of book illustrations, easel graphics, and a poster. Highly professional, talented works are demonstrated by sculptors. The natural basis of plastic compositions in the interpretation of young authors takes on an acute sound. Projects and mock-ups, an extensive and varied video sequence represent the work of graduates of architectural workshops.
Gafarova D.S. Institute named after V.I.Surikov
The exhibition of theses is a kind of creative report of academic universities. Reporting exhibitions are serious material for analysis and development of a development strategy for Russian art education. The masters of the Russian Academy of Arts, solving the pressing issues of education and creativity, strive to ensure that the Russian art school does not lose its leading position in the modern world.
Currently, the Russian Academy of Arts has a special task to preserve and further develop the unique system of academic education, which has no analogues both in the Russian and world educational space.