Exhibition "Our Light - Theater". Watercolors and graphics from the collection of A.G. Egorova
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с 24 Ноября
по 12 ЯнваряМузейно-выставочный комплекс Школы акварели Сергея Андрияки
Гороховский переулок, 17
The exhibition “Our Light is a Theater” will be held at the Museum and Exhibition Complex of the School of Watercolor by Sergey Andriyaka. Watercolor and graphics from the collection of A.G. Egorova.

The exposition presents watercolor and graphic works from the collection of collector Alexei Georgievich Egorov. This private thematic collection is the largest in Russia.
At the exhibition you can get acquainted with the theatrical and decorative work of easel artists working in the era of the Silver Age. Since the end of the XIX century. the time of great reforms and artistic discoveries in theatrical art begins, the artist becomes not only the stage designer, but also actively participates in the process of creating the production, acts as a co-author of the director, an ideological interpreter of the performance.
The attention of visitors to the exhibition will be attracted by theater reformers, world famous artists: K.A. Korovin, A.N. Benoit, L.S. Bakst, as well as those who occasionally turned to the theatrical theme, including N.K. Roerich. These masters carefully studied material culture, art, the life of the era in which the action took place.
The exhibition presents the work of F.F. Fedorovsky (opera by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov "Sadko", 1935), P.V. Williams (comedy by JB Moliere "Tartuffe", 1939), K.I. Rudakova (operetta Princess of the Circus, 1943), A.V. Lentulova (the play "Ilya Muromets", 1939) and others.
These theatrical sketches are of great cultural, artistic and cognitive value. They provide ample opportunities for the study of both fine and theatrical art. Currently, such works can rarely be seen in permanent museum exhibits, which is why the collection of theatrical works by A.G. Egorova is unique in its composition and high quality of the submitted works.
The exhibition runs from November 24 to January 12.
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