Exhibition of the national artist of Russia Sergey Andriyaka
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с 5 Февраля
по 9 МартаРомановский музей Костромского историко-архитектурного и художественного музея-заповедника
пр-т Мира, д. 5
February 5 at the Kostroma Museum-Reserve will open a personal exhibition of the People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, a full member of the Russian Academy of Arts, rector of the Academy of Watercolor and Fine Arts Sergey Nikolaevich Andriyaka.
The exhibition will undoubtedly become an event in the cultural life of Kostroma! The opening ceremony will take place on February 12 at 16.00. On the opening day, the artist will also meet with the audience and a master class. Sergei Nikolaevich, creating a picture, will show the participants of the master class all the stages of his work on it. Thus, the effectiveness of the joint and simultaneous work of the teacher with students will be clearly demonstrated - the fundamental principle of the pedagogical methodology of S. N. Andriyaki.
The work of the leading master of contemporary watercolor painting S.N. Andriyaki is known and loved not only in Europe, but also in Japan, China and other countries. His works are in collections of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Union of Artists of Russia, UNESCO, museums and private collections in Russia and abroad.
Most of the artist’s works are dedicated to the Motherland - the charm of old cities, the attractive beauty of the monuments of Russian architecture, the richness of native nature.
For the first time in the framework of the personal exhibition, which opens in the Kostroma Museum-Reserve, sketchy works created during travels in Russia and new works will be presented. At one of the last works included in the exposition, Kostroma sights are captured - these are the paintings Ipatievsky Monastery and Ipatievskaya Sloboda.
The exhibition also presents the most fully revealing possibilities of watercolors, floral still lifes, in which the multi-color palette reigns; the architectural landscapes, impressive with a variety, and the interiors reflecting the lifestyle of a person and his life; landscapes painted from nature. Among large-scale works are Still Life with Books, Castle in the Alps, Izborsk Fortress.
According to Sergei Nikolaevich, “… the main happiness of the artist is to be constantly inspired by new images, the inexhaustibility of the world. The artist must discover and spiritualize the surrounding beauty. This is especially important now when rationalism and flat materialism are increasingly absorbing the human soul. ”
Continuing his creative work with the classical traditions in watercolor painting, S. N. Andriyaka is the founder and artistic director of the School of Watercolors and the rector of the Academy of Watercolor and Fine Arts, a higher art educational institution that has been teaching in the new specialty “Painting and Fine Arts” since 2012..
The exhibition will be held from February 05 to March 9 in the halls of the Romanovsky Museum of the Kostroma Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve at the address: Kostroma, Prospekt Mira, 5.
Exhibition working hours: from 11.00 to 19.00.
Museum site www.kostromamuseum.ru