Exhibition of People’s Artist of Russia Mikhail Abakumov "My Russia"
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с 4 Марта
по 3 АпреляМВК Школы акварели Сергея Андрияки
Гороховский пер., 17
From March 4 to April 3, 2016, Sergey Andriyaka’s Watercolor School will host an exhibition of Russian artist Mikhail Abakumov “My Russia”. About 110 paintings and drawings for this retrospective exhibition were provided by the family of the artist Mikhail Abakumov and collectors Sergei Brailovsky, Tatyana and Peter Polinkovsky.
Mikhail Abakumov. Evening mists
Mikhail Abakumov is a national artist of Russia, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts, an honorary citizen of Kolomna. He graduated from the Moscow Polytechnic University. Kalinina and the art faculty of VGIK. In 1983 he worked in the creative workshops of the USSR Academy of Arts. From 1994 to 2002 taught at the Moscow Art Theater named after V.I. Surikova. Since 2002, he headed the department of painting at the Kolomna Pedagogical Institute.
Mikhail Georgievich was born and raised in the picturesque city of Kolomna near Moscow, but he was inspired not only by the Moscow Region, but also by the north of Russia - the Vologda and Arkhangelsk regions.
Mikhail Abakumov. All my life by the lake
Abakumov had the special gift of accurately conveying the transitional states of nature: dawn and sunsets, twilight, the first and last rays of the sun, fog that is about to dissipate, or rain that begins in an instant, a passing rainbow or a subtle shadow. Here he had no equal. Such a respectful or perhaps even reverent attitude towards nature is not accidental. Mikhail Georgievich grew up and was brought up in a family of Old Believers. “Icons hung in the house, every day I listened to the Holy Scriptures, which my grandmother read,” the artist recalls. “It was she who revealed to me that our world was created by the Creator and worthy of admiration.”
“I have watched it work many times with oil,” says Sergei Andriyaka, People’s Artist of Russia. - The spectacle is truly bewitching, he writes quickly, with lightning speed. This is a gift from God. ” Close male and creative friendships have connected the two artists for many years. On one of the memory days of M.G. Abakumova Sergey Andriyaka expressed his sincere wish, dream that the name of the wonderful artist was "somehow perpetuated humanly." And that happened. The name of Mikhail Georgievich Abakumov was assigned to the Children’s Art School.
Art critic Vladimir Pogodin: “Abakumov in his works glorifies Russia. "Happiness shines, streams from every canvas, from every small sketch of this wonderful artist-realist, a magnificent follower of the traditions of the Russian art school."
Some art historians believe that Mikhail Abakumov "stands apart in Russian painting," because not only richness and contrast are characteristic of his work, but also sonority. The artist managed to understand and reveal the secret of the combination of light and tonal combinations that create magical musical harmony on the canvas… "
Mikhail Abakumov. Flooded the bath
In Russia, Germany, Bulgaria, Italy, Japan, Sweden and other countries, more than 30 personal exhibitions of the artist took place. Art lovers call his paintings romantic, lyrical, fairy-tale, mystical, sunny, temperamental. In total, Mikhail Abakumov painted more than one and a half thousand paintings.
The works are stored in the State Tretyakov Gallery, museums and galleries in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Krasnoyarsk, Tomsk, Kolomna, the Art Prima gallery, in private collections in Russia and abroad.
“I want to write harmony, the creation of God. The artist writes what he claims. Perhaps I am writing an ideal country, but I would like to see Russia like that… Never improve, don’t correct life. She will always be more unexpected and more beautiful than you think. You only need to professionally own the brush. ” These words were the creative credo of the Russian landscape painter Mikhail Abakumov, who was called a classic during his lifetime.
- "Remembering the master …" - an exhibition in the "House of Ozerov" presented the works of Mikhail Abakumov from private collections
- "The Artist is a Man of the World" - an exhibition of paintings by Mikhail Abakumov in Kolomna.
- Exhibition of Viktor Ivanovich Komissarov "Russia Filled with Light"
- "Picturesque Russia"