Exhibition-Museum "Animal Art"
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с 27 Октября
по 9 НоябряВыставочное пространство ART Коробка
ул. Автозаводская, 18, ТРЦ “Ривьера”
October 27, 2017 at 18.00 in the exhibition space "ART Box" of the Shopping and Entertainment Center "Riviera" the grand opening of the first in Russia Exhibition of the Animal Art Museum will take place.
Animal Art is a unique and most mi-mish exhibition of paintings and installations, the authors of which are not people, but animals! The exposition was collected for 6 years.
Before the opening of the guests, rabbit Judy and Fox Nick will meet the guests.
After the heroes of Zeropolis give everyone sweet gifts, balls, flags, take a selfie, and everyone with the help of face painting transform into your favorite character, a unique world of art will open on an area of 700 square meters. m..
The center of attention will be the painting and art objects of the tortoise Dasha, the dolphins Inga and Irbis, the cat Murzilka, the cat Lisa, the dogs Ray and Rex, the chicken Glasha, the cockerel Petya, the white whales Bella and Polina, the sea lioness Dasha, the duckling Chernysha, the seal Dusya.
Viewers will be able to admire their work, get acquainted with their biography and the history of the creation of masterpieces, as well as learn a few facts from the past of their ancestors of a century and 2000 years ago.
The second part of the exhibition will be presented by Russian animal artists: Varlamova Julia, Gonchar Mia, Deriglazova Victoria, Kozlova Polina, Koroleva Elena, Menshikova Elena, Nikolaeva Olga, Prokopova Tatyana, Savchuk Alena, Skibar Mikhail, Tymoshenko Valeria, Firsova Miroslava, Sheina Anastasia depicted animals in human images: someone endowed them with human vices, someone emphasized their emotional similarities with humans. The characters of the paintings, just like people, go to work, drink tea, fall in love, miss, rejoice, dream. Artists erased all boundaries between man and animal.
Artists Menshikova Elena, Skibar Mikhail, Koroleva Elena will reveal secrets of how to come up with their tailed and eared character and revive it with the help of canvas and colors!
The third part of the exhibition is presented by a special guest - children’s writer Elena Khrustaleva. The heroes of her books - animals - travel, solve everyday problems and even save humanity. At the opening, it will be possible to personally meet the author and, if lucky, take an autograph and take a picture with the writer.
The final part of the exposition is presented by children’s drawings for the contest “My favorite pet”, in which anyone can take part, well, and win the Prize!
The culmination of the evening will be the launch of voting - ’’ Who draws better? Animal? Or Man? ’’
Everyone will be able to take part in it, including tailed and feathered ones.
And on November 9, after counting the votes, we will find out whose art is worthy of world fame - animal or human.
Throughout the exhibition, from October 27 to November 9, unique flash mobs and contests will be held, some of which are presented in the program.
Participate and go down in the history of a unique project!
10.28.2017 - 16.00 flash mob "Art for animals." There are hotels and spa clubs, hairdressers and cafes for animals. And now, for the first time in Russia, your pet will be able to enjoy art at the Animal Art exhibition. Pets of famous showmen and socialites of Moscow were invited to participate in the flash mob. For all pets and people they bring to the exhibition, ENTRANCE IS FREE.
* Small / manual pets allowed
10/29/2017 - 16.00 flash mob "I = Animal". Come to the exhibition in the form of an animal (costume or aqua make-up) and speak its language - meow, bark, croakJ For those who support the action, ENTRANCE IS FREE.
From 27.10 to 07.11 there will be a competition of children’s drawings "My favorite pet." Draw and bring the drawing to the ART Box until November 6th. Take his photo and put it on VK with the official hash tag #MuzeumAnimalArt or #Animal Museum of Art. On November 7, the organizers will select three winners who will receive prizes on November 8 - 9.
The author of the project is the artist and art director of the private theater "Julia" - Julia Stulikova, Naberezhnye Chelny.
The opening of the Animal Art exhibition is timed to the year of ecology in Russia-2017. Project goal: popularization of love and respect for animals, ideas of equality of man and animal.
Opening hours: from 10.00 to 22.00.
Location: Moscow, st. Avtozavodskaya, 18, Riviera shopping center, 2nd floor, exhibition space ART Box.
The exhibition will run from 10.27 to 11.09.2017.
Ticket price: adult - 200 rubles, children - 100 rubles.
For groups of 10 people and more, 50% discount on tickets.
On October 27, admission is free for everyone.
On October 28-29, admission is free for flash mob participants.
- Exhibition of animal painter Sergei Stroganov "Messengers of Peace"
- My Lukomorye. Turgenev places through the eyes of artists