Exhibition of Moscow photographer Konstantin Markov "Reflected Reality"
Automatic translate
с 18 Мая
по 4 ИюняСаратовское художественное училище им. А.П.Боголюбова
ул. Университетская, 59
From May 18 to June 4, 2017, the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts in Saratov presents a personal exhibition of the famous Moscow photographer, honorary academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, vice president of the Union of Artists of Russia Konstantin Markov. The exhibition was organized by the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts with the support of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia and the Ministry of Culture of the Saratov Region. Vernissage will take place on May 18 at 15.00 in the hall of the Saratov Art College named after A.P. Bogolyubov (59 Universitetskaya).
The opening of the exhibition is planned to be attended by the vice-president of the Russian Academy of Arts, president of the TSKhR Konstantin Khudyakov, the author of the exhibition Konstantin Markov, associate professor of Moscow State Art Academy S. G. Stroganova Eugene Matiko. As part of the presentation of the exhibition in Saratov, it is planned to hold workshops on May 19 for students of the Bogolyubovsky school.
About the concept of the exhibition "Reflected Reality".
Beyond the bustle of everyday life, we often do not notice the world around us, we rush along the usual routes, trying to catch everything and overtake time.
In mirrored display cases and office glass, in the smooth surface of ponds you can see another world. Is it just a reflection or a parallel world existing outside of our reality? An attempt to show this “other world” was made by Konstantin Markov in the project “Reflected Reality”. With the help of a camera, the author captured pictures of the reflected world at various points in its existence.
Not surprisingly, the reflected world gives us some information. Today, scientists from different countries studying the phenomenon of subtle energies have come to the conclusion that mirror surfaces have the property of memory. Memorize and transmit information of the subconscious of a person who looks into a mirror surface. But mirrored surfaces reflect the whole world around us: houses, cars, ships, mountains, clouds… It is these paintings of the reflection of the surrounding world that form the basis of the project "Reflected Reality".
The aquatic environment is fertile ground for the photographer. The frozen water surface reflects colorful houses and boats, creating a picturesque picture of eternal peace. A light breeze - and the idyll instantly turns into a multi-colored kaleidoscope, which is fixed by the photographer.
Konstantin Vladimirovich Markov - a photographer with more than thirty years of experience, lives and works in Moscow. Diplomat and participant of many Russian and international exhibitions. Associate Professor, Department of Theory and History of Arts, Moscow State Art and Industry Academy S. G. Stroganova, PhD in Law, Vice President of the Creative Union of Russian Artists on Legal Issues, Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts.
The author’s works were exhibited in the Moscow Manege, Central House of Artists, in the exhibition halls of Moscow, cities of Russia, Norway, the Czech Republic, Cuba, the USA, Monaco and other countries. KV Markov was awarded the Diploma and the Medal “Worthy” of the Russian Academy of Arts, TSHR medals.
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