Exhibition "Artist’s Workshop" (6+)
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с 13 Сентября
по 20 ОктябряГалерея “Беляево”
ул.Профсоюзная, 100

September 13 in the gallery "Belyaevo" Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" will open a network exhibition project "Workshop of the artist", dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the Bulldozer Exhibition.
The image of the artist’s workshop is considered in the project as a special social and cultural phenomenon of public life in our country of the 60-80s. A multi-level installation, where personal and public flips over like in an hourglass: the artist’s closed subject world gets enough sleep in apartment exhibition displays, and underground art in open-air art performances.
The bulldozer exhibition is an unauthorized street exhibition of nonconformist artists, held on September 15, 1974 in a wasteland at the intersection of Ostrovityanova and Profsoyuznaya streets. The exhibition was attended by about 20 artists, whose work belongs to the so-called "unofficial" art, not accepted by the state. The official supported trend in Soviet art was socialist realism, and the work of artists who wrote differently was declared illegal. The paintings at the exhibition were hung on improvised racks. Despite the small scale of the event, within half an hour three bulldozers, sprinklers, dump trucks and about a hundred plainclothes policemen arrived at the scene.
A participant in the exhibition, which immediately became known as the “Bulldozer”, Vladimir Nemukhin recalled that the warriors lit a fire from the works that were taken from the artists, illuminated the film from journalists. There is very little documentary evidence of the Bulldozer Exhibition.
The exposition in the Belyaevo Gallery is a kind of studio zone: the archive space dedicated to the Bulldozer Exhibition and its participants, Oscar Rabin and the artists of the Lianozovo group, the installation of the studio-apartment of Sergei Bordachev, one of the youngest participants in the 1974 exhibition in the wasteland Belyaevo, a room with photographs taken by Raul Skrylev in the workshops of contemporary artists.
The viewer, falling into the space of the exhibition, turns into one of the characters of the project, into a creative object-subject, imperceptibly he changes his position of observer to an active participant in the process, an inhabitant of the artist’s workshop.
Opening hours: Tue-Sun 11: 00 – 20: 00
Cost: 100 rub. (50 rubles. - discount ticket)
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