Exhibition "Masters of Printed Graphics"
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с 9 Сентября
по 4 ОктябряУсадьба В.П. Сукачева
ул. Декабрьских Событий, 112
The exhibition “Masters of Printed Graphics” opens on September 9, 2015 in the department of the Irkutsk Art Museum - “V.P. Sukachev. " Printed graphics are an integral part of the traditions of Japan, the famous Ukio-e engraving, which not only left its mark on world culture, but also influenced many European artists. So in the personal collection of Vincent Van Gogh there were more than 400 prints of Japanese artists.
Junko Matsushima. Wind - No. 1
What is especially interesting about this exhibition? Here, the viewer will see the widest range of printing options: mezzo-tinto, etching, lithography and more exotic experimental approaches with the simultaneous use of several techniques. The exhibition’s spectrum is very wide: some of the authors are passionate about admiring nature, powerful expressions are felt in the works of others, and there are surreal stories.
The exhibition presents the work of three generations of Japanese artists: the oldest and most famous is Tadayoshi Nakabayayashi (1937), and the youngest participant, Rui Nishiyama, is not even thirty. The works of many authors have repeatedly been marked by high awards at prestigious international exhibitions. For example, Seiko Kawachi is one of the few Japanese graphic artists to receive Japan’s highest government award for the preservation and development of woodcutting traditions. The Hiroaki Miyayama solo exhibition dedicated to the famous Japanese novel “Genji Monogatari” was seen by Irkutsk residents in 2008, and in the fall of 2013 the same exhibition was held with great success at the State Museum of the East in Moscow. This summer, the Museum of the East hosted a personal exhibition of another project participant - Katsunori Hamanisi.
By agreement with the exhibitors, part of their work will be donated to the Irkutsk Regional Art Museum. V.P. Sukacheva and will replenish the collection of Japanese graphics, which is already in the museum.
The opening of the exhibition will take place on September 9 at 16.00. in the department "Manor V.P. Sukachev”Irkutsk Art Museum. Entrance to the opening is free.
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