Exhibition "Lyrics of the big city"
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с 13 Марта
по 1 АпреляПермская государственная художественная галерея
Комсомольский проспект, 4
In the Perm Art Gallery, the exhibition "Lyrics of the Big City" opens, which will represent Perm through the eyes of the national artist of Russia Alexander Petrovich Zyryanov. Anniversary exhibition - on October 1, 2018, the artist will celebrate the 90th anniversary. And the city of Perm, to which the exhibition is dedicated, this year will also celebrate an important historical date - 295 years from the date of foundation.
Alexander Zyryanov is a famous Perm graphic artist, a recognized master of linocut. In this democratic, laconic expressive technique, the artist found not only an individual style, but also the opportunity to tell about Perm: its nature, historical pages, monuments of architecture and culture. Alexander Petrovich is a great connoisseur of culture and history of the monuments of Prikamye. He traveled a lot, looked, studied. He "translated" his observations and sketches into the main language of engraving.
The exhibition will feature more than 30 works by the artist from print collections. “The lyrics of the big city” is the charm of a bygone era, the city and the time in which it exists, and where Zyryanov is an artist in love with Perm.
1960s - 1980s - the heyday of Zyryanov’s work. And the heyday of linocut technique - color or black and white, which occupied one of the leading positions in the work of artists of the 20th century. For over 20 years, Alexander Zyryanov tirelessly glorified Perm, moving from color linocut and printing from several boards to black and white engraving, easel, more expressive and strict.
The works of Alexander Zyryanov from the gallery’s collection presented at the exhibition can be divided into 3 parts: recognizable places of the city, the Kama River, old Motovilikha.
Colored linocuts on the “memorable places of Perm” are made in the tradition of the old classical masters. Successful, recognizable, honed, perfected camera angles became the hallmark of the artist and the city (K. Karl Marx Street, Peter and Paul Cathedral, Sverdlov’s Garden, etc.).
Kama in the works of Zyryanov is a separate topic. A huge love of the river permeates and sets the tone for engravings made at different times (Kama open spaces, At the quays, Rafts on Kama, Kama at night, Kama in the evening, etc.). Delicate or saturated colors, a well-tuned composition - all this is used by the artist to show the breadth, power and beauty of the Kama open spaces.
Old Motovilikha artist devotes a series of black and white linocuts. A typical Ural city-factory with smoked huts appears before the viewer as a cozy provincial town, filled with life and unique color of the outgoing era ("Uprising", "Place of the barricade in 1905", "Visimskaya street", etc.).
The work of Alexander Petrovich Zyryanov became not only an integral part of the artistic life of the Perm Territory, but also went down in the history of Russian art. The swiftness, confidence, impeccable accuracy of the flying stroke, the tonal richness of black and white engraving, done in one go, - all this can be called the “Zyryanov phenomenon”.
The exhibition "Lyrics of the Big City" will work in the Perm Art Gallery until April 1, 2018. Audience 0+
ALEXANDER PETROVICH ZYRYANOV (genus 01. 10. 1928, p. Pokrovskoye, Egorshinsky district, Sverdlovsk region). Schedule. Member of the Union of Artists (1960), People’s Artist of the Russian Federation (2003). He graduated from the Sverdlovsk Art College (1950), Moscow Art Institute. V.I. Surikova, Department of Graphics (1956). He studied under B.A. Dekhterev, M.V. Matorin, M.S. Rodionov. After graduation, he worked in Sverdlovsk, collaborated with a book publishing house (in particular, he designed the book by V.V. Mayakovsky, “Whatever a page is an elephant, then a lioness”). Since 1956 he lives in Perm.
Master of easel linocut. He is engaged in book graphics, a poster, bookplate, drawing. A participant in exhibitions since 1957. For many years he worked on the theme “Our land”. Cycles of linocuts were created, dedicated to nature, historical pages, cultural and architectural monuments, artists of Prikamye.
In 1962, the Perm Book Publishing House released the album "Perm in engravings by Alexander Zyryanov" with 20 artist linocuts printed from copyright boards.
In the second floor. 1960s turned to black and white easel linocut: the artist was attracted to democracy, the laconic expressiveness of this graphic technique.
In 1966, a series of engravings was dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution. In the years 1974-1987. the album Motovilikha was created (86 prints). In the 1960s the artist turned to a small genre of graphics - paper bookplate. He performed a number of story book characters in linocut for famous creative personalities: writers V.P. Astafyev and A.M. Domnin, journalist B.N. Nazarovsky, artists M. Sh. Brusilovsky and M.V. Tarasova, art historians M. V Alpatova, A. G. Budrina, L. F. Dyakonitsyna.
In the 1970s a cycle of panoramic village landscapes of the native land was created, representing the beauty and harmony of the life of a person working on the land (“Spring on the Collective Farm”, “Haymaking Season”, “Field Camp”).
Since the 1970s consistently working on the topic “Monuments of history and culture”. Engraving cycles have been created dedicated to the masterpieces of architecture, the Stroganov icon, the Perm wooden sculpture, the Perm animal style.
In 1980-1982 20 engravings of the Perm Wooden Sculpture album were created, which presents a collection of unique temple sculptures from the 17-18th centuries. from the collection of the Perm State Art Gallery.
In the 1960-1990s. portraits of prominent cultural and scientific figures of Prikamye were created: the collector of Perm. wooden sculpture N. N. Serebrennikova, Acad. N. D. Zelinsky, writers A. M. Domnin, L. I. Davydychev.
In the 1980s Zyryanov turned to the theme of the legendary Perm ballet. A series of engravings was created, inspired by the images of the performances of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater. In the techniques of pencil drawing and pastel, a series of portraits of the leading dancers of the theater were made: K. A. Shmorgoner, I. A. Shapovalov, O. R. Levenkova, V. I. Dubrovina, S. A. Alexandrova, chap. choreographer V. N. Salimbaev, conductor O. M. Beluntsova.
In the 1990s - 2000 Engaged in applied graphics. Were developed and executed: a sketch of the standard of the governor of the Perm region. ; Coats of arms of the cities of Dobryanka, Lysva, Chusovoy, Krasnovishersk, Wasp, Cherdyn, the village of Elovo and Chastnye.
Since 1995 - prof. Ural branch of the Russian Academy. painting, sculpture and architecture (department of academic drawing and painting).
Engravings are in the collections of the State Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow), the Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Karelia, the North Ossetian Museum of Fine Arts, the Tambov Museum of Fine Arts, the Belgorod Art Museum, the Orenburg Museum of Fine Arts, the Art Museum of the Republic of Buryatia, the Irkutsk Art Museum, the State Art Museum, (Moscow) and other museums in Russia.
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