Exhibition "Summer, Goodbye"
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с 6 по 23 Сентября
Театр “Школа драматического искусства”
ул. Сретенка, 19
The exhibition "Summer, Goodbye" is a joint project of two artists Katya Rubina and Vladislav Alexandrovich. The exhibition presents fifty works united by a common theme: a fleeting summer day, elusive beauty and memories of wonderful travels to amazing places. Many art historians and gallery owners say that painting in the 21st century is an anachronism. “New art,” according to apologists for relevance, is a concept, an idea. However, in the modern world simple truths for all are still preserved. This is beauty, sincerity, positive emotion. Finally, there is a concept - a picture. The picture is fresh air, a positive energy charge, celebration and pleasure. It is these long-known truths that artists Katya Rubina and Aleksandrovich Vladislav declare with their work.

By style, the works of two authors can be described as figurative expressionism. The authors use a light, bright color palette and modern materials: plastic panels, acrylic, mixed media. Rubina and Aleksandrovich are representatives of modern painting, which at the same time deeply intertwines with the traditions of Russian art of the early twentieth century. Paying tribute to tradition, artists exhibited works written in classical technique (oil on canvas).
It is no coincidence that the project “Summer, Goodbye” will be held at the School of Dramatic Art Theater. Katya Rubina is not only an easel artist, but also a playwright. Her plays are performed both in Russia and abroad. This time, the School of Dramatic Art presents the pictorial drama of two artists.

SHE: was born in Moscow in the family of the famous composer Vladimir Rubin and actress Maria Skuratova. She graduated from the Higher School of Industrial Art (formerly Stroganovskoe). Member of numerous Moscow and international exhibitions. Member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, member of the Union of Theater Workers (STD), member of the international Pen Club. Lives in Moscow. Works are in museums and private collections in Russia, Europe, the USA.
HE: He graduated from the Yaroslavl Art College, Moscow Higher Artistic and Industrial School (B. Stroganovskoe). Member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, member of the International Federation of Artists, member of the Moscow Artists’ Association of Artists, Moscow Union of Artists. Works are in museums and private collections in Russia, Europe, the USA. Lives and works in Moscow.

“Summer, goodbye” - a dialogue, intimate conversation, one might even say - a declaration of love. The stories of artists often intersected. In the eighties, they both participated in exhibitions at Malaya Gruzinskaya, both graduates of Stroganovka. Oddly enough, until the nineties Katya and Vladislav were not personally acquainted, although they saw each other’s work. Acquaintance occurred only in the late nineties at the exhibition of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia on Gogolevsky Boulevard. Since then, artists have been living and working together.
It is interesting that in different years, the famous non-conformist art collector Alexander Glezer wrote about artists: “Katya Rubina’s works can be attributed to the vanguard, attributed in the sense that here she, like many other representatives of the third avant-garde, is the successor to the second Russian avant-garde, Aleksandrovich Vladislav is an innovative artist with a special touch and unique inner world. ”
The paintings are in the collection of the Museum of Russian Art (Museum of Russian Art) in New Jersey and in many private collections.
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