Exhibition of Leonid Rakov, Alexei Speransky and Gleb Skubachevsky "Time is pulsating here"
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с 27 Сентября
по 14 ОктябряГалерея “ЗДЕСЬ на Таганке”
ул. Таганская, д. 31/22
On September 27, the "Here" gallery on Taganka opens a joint exhibition of three Moscow abstract artists, united in the "Triangle" group: Leonid Rakov, Alexei Speransky and Gleb Skubachevsky. The exhibition “Time is pulsating here” is a search for the answer to the question: is dialogue between different generations possible and is it possible to talk about continuity in contemporary art today?
The project is dedicated to the study of the work of three abstract artists of different generations born in the 30s, 60s, 90s, between whom a teacher-student relationship is built. At the exhibition, viewers will see the work of the “small school” of abstraction, which is based on the theory of “color glow” created by Leonid Rakov, which was further supplemented and transformed by the followers: Speransky and Skubachevsky.
At the exhibition, viewers will also see the way of transforming an abstract painting from color to texture and volume, how the planar color scheme of Leonid Rakov’s futuristic forms is deformed in the future by Alexei Speransky into an “aging” of the picturesque surface and a differentiated texture, which subsequently turns into volumetric monochrome from Gleb Skubachevsky works gravitating to art objects and sculpture.
The exposition shows the process of forming a “small school”, the roll-call between artists both in terms of color and organizing elements, the mutual influence of artists on each other, as well as the dialogue of generations and historical roots of the past, which influenced the creation of a new wave of abstract art.
To uncover the theme of continuity of generations at the exhibition, a documentary film about the Triangle group will be shown, telling about key moments in the life of artists, video art and plastic performance by A. Shcherbakova, together with artists.
(Dancers: Julia Baranyuk, Nikita Petrov, Anastasia Shcherbakova.)
N. Oparina
About the artists:
LEONID RAKOV (1930, Minsk) - graduated from the Moscow Higher Art and Industrial School (formerly Stroganov). Member of the Union of Artists. Participant of the Warsaw Biennale poster, the exhibition of the Soviet poster in Berlin, Budapest, Warsaw, Havana, Paris (Louvre). He was awarded the Silver Medal of the Academy of Arts of Russia (1970).
ALEXEY SPERANSKY (1963, Moscow) - graduated from the Moscow Art School (MAHL RAX) at the Institute. V.I. Surikov, Academy of Arts and Moscow State Art Institute. V.I. Surikova. Member of the Union of Artists. He worked in the theater, American and Russian cinema, advertising, music videos, television, as a production designer and composer. Member of Moscow, Russian and international exhibitions. Lecturer at the private studio Studio Spero and at the School of Design (RANEPA). His works are in private collections in Moscow, New York, Los Angeles, Beverly Hills (collection of S. Stallone), Dallas, Tulsa (Oklahoma), Washington, Boston, London, Finland and some countries of Eastern Europe.
GLEB SKUBACHEVSKY (1989, Moscow) - graduated from the Art School in memory of 1905 and Moscow State Art Institute. V.I. Surikova. Pupil Aidan Salakhova and Sergei Ossovsky. Works are in private collections in Russia, Great Britain, Montenegro, Greece, Italy, Slovakia, Switzerland and Hong Kong. Included in the top 100 recognized young artists of Russia according to INART magazine. Two-time UNESCO Laureate for participating in Patras Art Fair and Athina Art Fair. Participant of Cosmosсow 2018. Gleb Skubachevsky represents Askeri Gallery.
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