Exhibition "Red and Black" Automatic translate
с 8 Марта
по 10 АпреляГалерея “На Каширке”
ул. Ак.Миллионщикова, д.35, корп.5
March 9 at 17.00 in the gallery "On Kashirka" Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" will open the exhibition "Red and Black", dedicated to the famous color dyad, a historical symbol that gave the name to many wars and revolutions, as well as books and songs.
Painters and graphic works, photographs and objects are represented by artists from eleven countries.
“The number of meanings that humanity has endowed with red and black seems endless. The whole history of the twentieth century, its totalitarian regimes, revolutions, banners, are painted in these colors. Including the revolution in art, the symbol of which was Malevich’s Black Square. Black is darkness, dissolving all past experience, the point of zeroing and negation, ending a certain period. And red is a challenge, an affirmation of the new, a call to uphold and fight for it. These two colors indicate the extreme points of the amplitude of visual perception, extending from complete “nothing”, the absence of light and the image of black, to the maximum intensity of red. " Anastasia Martynova, curator of the exhibition.
Exhibitors: Andrei Krasulin, Alexander Pankin, Klara Golitsyna, Alexander and Natalya Sitnikova, Magomed Kazhlaev, Alexander Yulikov, Olga Bulgakova, Evgeny Gor, Mikhail Molochnikov, Sergey Bordachev, Tatyana Levitskaya, Bella Levikova, Natalya Vallianu-Gurova (Greece), Evgenia Eger (Germany), Sven Evdokimchikov-Malmqvist (Sweden), Thomas Menzel (Germany), Katalin Moldvay (Germany), Nikolay Krivoshein (Latvia), Konstantin Inal-Ipa (Abkhazia), Diana Vouba (Abkhazia), Maria Kazan (USA), Sveta Samson (USA), Margarita Levin (Israel), Victor Nikolaev (Germany), Ales Faley (Belarus), Minako Ota (Japan), Igor Shelkovsky (France)
Curators - Natalia Georgadze and Anastasia Martynova
At the opening on Wednesday, March 9 at 5 p.m., the BLACK & RED duet (violin and guitar) will perform.
In the days of the exhibition, creative meetings and lectures are scheduled, the schedule is on the website www.nakashirke.com
International exhibition project "Red and Black"
March 8 - April 10, 2016
Gallery "On Kashirka" - the largest in the Southern District of Moscow - was opened in 1986. The gallery works with artists from various creative fields. The range of exposition activities: from traditional genres to contemporary art exhibitions (art projects with video and media installations, thematic performances). The gallery is actively engaged in educational work. It organizes interactive art events, lectures and workshops, music festivals, concerts, film screenings, creative meetings, presentations of books and magazines. The gallery has a studio of fine and applied art for children and adults.
Address: st. Ak. Millionschikova, 35, bldg. 5. Art. m. "Kashirskaya"
Opening hours: Tue-Sun 11.00-20.00, entrance 50-100 r.
Free admission day: third Sunday of every month