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с 16 Сентября
по 18 ОктябряГалерея “Нагорная”
ул. Ремизова, 10
The Gallery Nagornaya exhibition hall, within the framework of the year of literature, presents the exhibition project Cosmos. The verge of reality and fiction ”, which will feature more than 70 paintings, graphic artists from 60-90 years. XX century from the collection of the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics.
Vernissage of the exhibition will be held on September 15 at 17.00
Partnership Exhibition Project “Space. Facets of reality and fiction ”- an attempt to trace the visualization of cosmic themes in the works of masters of words and brushes in the context of modern socio-cultural space, when the versatility of fine and verbal art enters into a dialogue, intertwining fiction and reality, fantasy and reality.
The exhibition introduces a unique collection of graphics and paintings of the 60-90s. XX century from the funds of the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics. The exhibition presents the works of leading painters and graphic artists of that time (M. Taranov, G. Stop, A. Veselov, S. Geta, V. Sivukh, I. Anisiforov), of particular interest is the joint work of the famous Soviet artist A. K. Sokolov with astronaut A.A. Leonov.
The project focuses on cosmic reality and cosmic myth, fiction. The mastery of artists of various fields, claiming the honorary title of "space artist" is contrasted with the work of science fiction writers of the second half of the 20th century, when the author’s impulse found a way out mainly in the field of science.
A lecture will be held as part of the exhibition, and a unique selection of rare films created between 1902 and 1935 will be offered to visitors. These tapes demonstrate ideas about the cosmos of people who lived before the space age. Special program “CINEMA AND SPACE. ONE HUNDRED YEARS BACK TO "in the framework of the exhibition" Space. The verge of reality and fiction ”is represented by 5 shows.
September 29 at 15.00 - Lecture "International Space Station - Orbital Construction of the Century." Lecturer - methodologist of the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics in Moscow, scientific editor of the journal "Earth and the Universe" Gerasyutin Sergey Alexandrovich.
Film screenings
September 18 at 15:00 and 19:00 - The show "The French in space. 111 years ago. "
“Journey to the Moon” (France, 1902, dir. J. Méliès), “A meter from the Moon” (France, 1904, dir. J. Méliès), “Journey through the unknown” (France, 1904, dir. J. Méliès)
September 24 at 15:00 and 18:00 - Screening “Danes in space. 97 years ago
The film by the Danish director Holger-Madsen "Journey to Mars" (1918).
September 30, 2015 at 15:00 and 18:00 - The show "Soviet in space. 91 years ago. ”
“Aelita” (USSR, 1924, dir. Ya. Protazanov), “Interplanetary revolution” (USSR, 1924, dir. N. Khodataev, Z. Komissarenko, Yu. Merkulov).
October 6 at 15:00 and 18:00 - Screening “Germans in space. 86 years ago. ”
“Woman on the Moon” (Germany, 1929, dir. F. Lang).
The film “Woman on the Moon” (Germany, 1929) is a feature film by Fritz Lang, based on the novel by Thea von Harbow, one of the first films in which the space travel was shown in full accordance with the scientific ideas of those years. Cast: Gerda Maurus, Willy Fritsch, Fritz Rasp, Gustav von Wangenheim, Klaus Paul
The swindler Turner wants to redeem the manuscript of his work from the old scientist Manfeld, where the hypothesis of the presence of gold on the moon is put forward. At the same time, he hopes to take advantage of the poverty in which the scientist has lived for many years. But Manfeld puts him out the door. Once, in 1896, Manfeld made a report on this topic and was ridiculed by all his colleagues. Now, the young engineer Helius, the owner of aircraft factories, announces to his friend Manfeld that he is ready to take a chance and take a flight.
The duration of the show is 169 minutes. Audience: 15+ (children of senior school age, adults). Cost - full 100 rubles. preferential 50 rub.
Lecturer: Dmitry Velichko (guide of the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics in Moscow)
Ticket price: full 100 rubles, preferential 50 rubles.
For more than 15 years, the International Space Station, created by the efforts of Russia, the USA, Japan and the countries participating in the European Space Agency, has been operating in low Earth orbit. When did the ideas, sci-fi works and projects of orbital stations appear? Who were their authors? What was the difference between flights of manned ships and orbital stations? When was the first flight of the international program? How was the ISS created and from what elements? What experiments are being done at the ISS? What has given mankind the operation of the ISS? What are the prospects for its use? You can learn about this and much more in a lecture, which is accompanied by a presentation. In conclusion, the lecturer will answer questions of interest in astronomy and astronautics.
Lecturer - methodologist of the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics in Moscow, scientific editor of the journal "Earth and the Universe" Gerasyutin Sergey Alexandrovich
Admission by tickets to the exhibition is full 100 rubles, preferential 50 rubles.
October 17, 2015 at 11:30, 15:00 and 18:00 - The show "Russians in space. 80 years ago."
“Space Flight” (USSR, 1935, dir. V. Zhuravlev).
The Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics is one of the largest scientific and technical museums in the world, the history of which began in the second half of the 20th century, when in 1964 a monument to the Conquerors of Space appeared on the map of Moscow. In 2009, the museum was opened after reconstruction (2006-2009). Its exhibition space has been quadrupled. Today, the modern museum exposition consists of eight exhibition halls, a cinema hall and a conference hall. The museum’s collection has more than 93,000 storage units: rocket and space technology, material relics, documents, philately, numismatics, objects of decorative art, collections of paintings and graphics. ) http://www.kosmo-museum.ru )
Gallery "Nagornaya" began its work in 1978. This is the first state gallery in Moscow. Initially, the gallery showed mainly academic painting (socialist realism, critical realism, “harsh style”, “left” MOSH), but over the years the focus has shifted towards modern digital technologies, multimedia, installations, photography. The gallery carries out many projects in collaboration with the largest Moscow and regional museums, cultural foundations, creative unions, art universities, cultural centers at embassies of different countries, as well as the heirs of artists and collectors ) www.galereya-nagornaya.ru )
The Moscow Exhibition Halls Association is a new project of the Moscow Department of Culture dedicated to the decentralization of culture and the modernization of the activities of cultural organizations. The association includes 18 exhibition halls located in 10 districts of Moscow. The projects and programs of the Association are designed to create a special cultural environment of the city with wide opportunities for professional and amateur creativity ) www.vzmoscow.ru )
Dates of the exhibition: September 16 - October 18, 2015
Venue: Gallery "Nagornaya"
Address: Gallery "Nagornaya" (st. Remizova, 10, tel.: +7 (499) 123-65-69)
Gallery hours: Tue - sun. 11 a.m. - 8 p.m.