Exhibition "Space Era"
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с 14 Апреля
по 12 МаяКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 104
April 14 at 16-00, in the exhibition hall of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (Lenin, 104) will open the exhibition "Space Era". To the 60th anniversary of the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite. From the funds of the KIIII.
On October 4, 1957, the first artificial satellite appeared on planet Earth.
And he was created in the USSR. And launched from the Soviet Baikonur Cosmodrome.
The country still did not fully recover from the terrible destruction and the unthinkable losses of the Great Patriotic War, but managed to become the first space power in the world. She herself entered, and introduced all of humanity into a qualitatively new era - into the space age.
And this could not but result in a change in the attitude of people, the inhabitants of the Earth.
Of course, long before the breakthrough into space, thinkers appeared who acutely felt the inextricable connection of terrestrial and extraterrestrial spaces. But exactly sixty years ago, this attitude became universal. It immediately became clear to everyone that the Earth was our common spaceship. And that we are all not only inhabitants of the Earth, but also citizens of the Cosmos.
Cosmism is the name of such a worldview and worldview.
It is cosmism, its formation and affirmation, that is the main theme of this exhibition.
And, of course, for us, Kaluga residents, it is somehow especially significant that one of the greatest theorists of cosmism, and at the same time the “father of cosmonautics,” is Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, who has lived on Kaluga land for many years.
Artist V.P. Lyubimov was familiar with Tsiolkovsky, met with him. And even during the life of the great scientist, he was going to paint his portrait. But did not have time. Nevertheless, the painting “K.E. Tsiolkovsky ”, created by Lyubimov after the death of Tsiolkovsky, bears the features of living, direct observations. And at the same time, it is a generalized image full of restrained pathetics. Tsiolkovsky is depicted against a starry sky. Depicted by an aspiring thought to the sky, to the Cosmos.
In the canvases of I.A. Pavlishak very convincingly recreated the habitat of Tsiolkovsky: - his office and workshop. These interiors themselves seem to carry reflections of the scientist’s activity, his original personality. In the same vein, the picturesque narratives of L.A. Clementine. Her landscapes are images of those places where Tsiolkovsky once visited.
Another highly significant character in the exposition narrative is Yu.A. Gagarin, the first cosmonaut of the planet. He became a kind of “face of astronautics”, the personification of the entire cosmic era. A.I. Plotnov, author of the painting “At Home. Gagarin ”, portrayed an astronaut in a circle of Russian nature. The great work of space exploration is interpreted here as a natural conclusion from the vast Russian existence, as a new stage in the history of Russia.
As space exploration gained more and more scope, and at the same time more and more influenced the everyday life of Earth’s citizens, the image of Tsiolkovsky began to be more and more complicated. Sculptor V.M. Belov emphasizes and monumentalizes, first of all, the most important personality traits of the thinker: the purposeful power of thought, the unremitting will to act. And the etching master A.P. Shubin perceives Tsiolkovsky as a sage, peering and listening to the hidden meanings of eternal life.
And the image of Tsiolkovsky created by V.N. Thick. This is a man, shocked by an unexpected vision, directed towards him. That is - to the unknowable, extraordinary, irrational. Before us is precisely that Tsiolkovsky who was thinking not only about the practical problems of a breakthrough into space, but also about the root cause of the Universe, about the essence of Divine forces.
Cosmos philosopher. Christian philosopher.
And it is precisely the philosophy of cosmism that is the content of a number of works by masters of modern, emerging art.
In the "Glasography" P.P. Kozmina. In the paintings of M.D. Mantulina and G.K. Tabakova. In hot enamels E.E. Matiko, L.V. Zaichikova, K.V. Khudyakova, their like-minded people, followers, students.
In these wonderful examples of cosmic art, it is as if the random qualities of things are erased, the connections between things and phenomena are exposed and transformed - and the deep, essential foundations of the existence of man, humanity, the universe are demonstrated.
The exhibition runs until May 12.
Tel for inquiries: 56-28-30
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