Exhibition Korotkova Valentine "Sunny days"
Automatic translate
с 1 по 22 Ноября
Центральный Дом художника
Крымский Вал, 10
From November 1 to November 22, Korotkov Valentine’s exhibition “Sunny days” will be held at the Central House of Artists. 3 floor, 17 hall.
For Valentin Korotkov, each of his canvases is something intimate, deeply hidden, intended for each of the viewers personally - “when the soul speaks with the soul”… and there is no need for words, only empathy and a feeling of common points of spiritual contact.
Valentin Korotkov is one of the artists with an optimistic perception of life and a sense of the joy of life. This is reflected in all the works of a talented artist. The audience has their own worldview, but nevertheless, everyone will find a word in the artist’s canvases, a sign intended only for him. The artist’s creative career is an endless series of reflections - his thoughts and feelings, sensations from different countries where he had to write his canvases, real, lived and desired.
The artist Valentin Korotkov has the highest demands on his work, responsibility to the viewer for his professionalism. Perhaps this explains its popularity and demand among collectors and lovers of a realistic school of painting.
He is a regular participant in Regional, All-Russian and International exhibitions and auctions. The artist’s works are in museums and private collections in Russia and abroad.
Member of the Union of Artists of Russia since 2005.
- Personal exhibition of painter Valentin Korotkov is open in the Krasnoyarsk House of Artists
- Portrait painting
- "Faces of the landscape"
- Exhibition of Mikhail Alexandrovich Shatalov
- An exhibition of works by Efrem Ivanovich Zverkov (1921-2012) and laureates of the landscape painting competition named after E.I. Zverkova. On the 95th anniversary of the artist
- Exhibition of Yura Tumasyan "My Realism" 16+