Exhibition "Contact"
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с 19 Апреля
по 5 МаяПермская государственная художественная галерея
Комсомольский проспект, 4
In the Perm Gallery, the exhibition "Contact" opens, in which the audience will be shown for the first time 8 restored works by the artist Eliya Belyutin from the gallery funds donated by his wife Nina Moleva in 2012. Eli Belyutin devoted, in particular, the last days of his life to the preparation of these works for transportation to Perm. The paintings left for our city on the day of farewell to the artist.
Eli Belyutin. Composition. 1988
At the opening of the exhibition, Vladimir Beresnev, head of the department of the latest trends in the Perm Gallery, will talk about the work of the artist-experimenter and his author’s theory of “universal contact”.
The name of the exhibition refers to the theoretical work of Eliy Belyutin “The Theory of General Contact” and, at the same time, to a new experience for the Perm Gallery with small businesses, the Cup by Cup team, which raised funds for the restoration of large-scale paintings by Belyutin.
In addition to the works of Elijah Mikhailovich, the gallery’s specialists, with the support of Cup by Cup, continue the restoration of other exhibits: paintings by Lidia Brodskaya “The Native Land” and Aristarch Lentulov’s “Portrait of an Actress”, “Still Life with a Tray and Strawberries”.
And in Lemon Tree Café and Cup by Cup coffee shops, charity exhibitions of reproductions from the Perm Gallery continue to operate: “Ivan Shishkin’s Etchings” in Lemon Tree Cafe (45 October 25 St.), “Illustrations to Defoe’s novel“ Robinson Crusoe ”in a coffee shop Cup by Cup (Komsomolsky pr., 16), “The Cat and its Artists” in the Cup by Cup coffee shop (Sibirskaya St., 30). Re-exposure of charity exhibitions will begin in May, with the Lemon Tree Cafe, where visitors can see reproductions of graphic art by Antonio Vizentini (XVII century).
Eli Belyutin. Mother and daughter. Convergence. 1988
Eli Belyutin (1935-2012) - Russian artist, teacher and art theorist. He was entrenched with the glory of a courageous experimenter, who was angered by Secretary General Nikita Khrushchev, who visited the exhibition “XXX Years of MOSSX” in Manege in 1962, where the works of Belyutin’s New Reality studio were presented on the mezzanines. Elia Belyutina can be called the founder of the first alternative to the official method of education. His students painted on any surface with almost all possible tools, including mops and nails. In publications of the early 1990s, Belyutin is listed as "the patriarch of the largest underground school."
The Contact exhibition will run from April 19 to May 5. Audience 0+
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