Exhibition-competition "Native, close, own ..."
Automatic translate
с 19 Марта
по 18 АпреляКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 103

The Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (103 Lenina str., Second floor) will host the Regional Exhibition-Competition of Works by Amateur Artists and Masters of Decorative and Applied Arts "Native, Close, One’s Own… ".
The organizers of the event are the Ministry of Culture of the Kaluga Region, the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Culture Centralny House of Folk Art and Cinema, and the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts.
The exhibition will feature works by amateur artists, masters of traditional and modern trends in arts and crafts, teams and studios of municipal districts and urban districts of the Kaluga region.
Visitors to the exhibition will be able to see a large number of exhibits made in various techniques: painting, graphics, ceramics, embroidery, weaving, patchwork, wood carving, beading, felt felting, working with leather, root plastic and much more.
Decorative and applied art is a vast layer of folk art and provides ample opportunities for the implementation of creative ideas on the basis of ancient crafts.
The main objectives of the exhibition "Native, close, own…" is the preservation and development of folk art, traditional and modern arts and crafts, support of young talented authors, preservation of the transfer of traditions of folk crafts.
Within the framework of the exhibition, it is planned to hold two master classes:
March 27 at 12:00 - a master class on making leather souvenirs;
April 3 at 12:00 - a whistle painting master class.
The exhibition will run until April 18.
- Kaluga Regional Art Museum, Poster.
- Exhibition "Native, Close, Own …"
- Exhibition and Competition of Amateur Artists and Masters of Decorative and Applied Arts "Native, Close, Own …"
- Exhibition "Native, Close, Own …"
- Exhibition "Call of Angels"
- Felting - the secret of the Kyzyl masters