Exhibition-competition for the prize in the field of fine art named after Afanasy Kulikov-2017
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On November 17, 2017, the annual regional exhibition-competition for the award in the field of fine arts named after Afanasy Kulikov-2017 will begin work. The exhibition is attended by professional and amateur artists, masters of arts and crafts.
The solemn ceremony of summing up the results of the exhibition-competition will be held on December 15, 2017 (Friday) at 16:00.
According to the results of the exhibition, 10 prizes in the field of fine art named after Afanasy Kulikov will be awarded for the most talented, specific work of fine or decorative art, distinguished by novelty and originality, in the following categories: painting, graphics, sculpture, decorative and applied art.
Acceptance of works was carried out from October 10 to November 10 at the address: 103, Lenin Street, Information and Educational and Exhibition Center, Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts, Kaluga.
Terms of acceptance of works:
An author or a team of authors can submit only those works that were completed no more than 3 years before the deadline for their admission.
Contestants may be 18 years old or older.
The authors of each work should not exceed 3 people.
The number of submitted works - no more than 3.
Work must be equipped with hangers.
Dates of the exhibition: November 17 - December 17, 2017
Phone for inquiries: 56-28-30, 56-38-20.
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