Exhibition-competition for the prize Afanasy Kulikova-2020. Acceptance of works for the exhibition will be made until November 27, 2020
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с 28 Октября
по 20 ДекабряКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 103
Since October 28, in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (Lenin st., 103), the acceptance of works for the Regional final exhibition-competition for the Afanasy Kulikova-2020.
Dates of the exhibition-competition:
December 2 - December 20, 2020
Acceptance of works for the exhibition will be made until November 27, 2020.
from 11:00 to 17:00 (except Sunday and Monday) at the address: Kaluga, Lenin street, 103
The author or the team of authors can submit only those works that were completed no more than 3 years before the deadline for their admission.
Authors who have reached the age of 18 and older can take part in the competition.
The team of authors for each work should not exceed 3 people.
The number of submitted works - no more than 3.
The exhibition is open to professional and amateur artists, masters of decorative and applied arts.
The solemn ceremony of summing up the results of the exhibition-competition will take place on December 18, 2020 at 16:00.
After the end of the exhibition, participants must pick up their work within 1 month (by January 20, 2021)
Information about the competition. In 1993, in order to preserve and develop the creative process in the Kaluga region, the community of workers of the Kaluga Art Museum and artists - members of the Kaluga branch of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation put forward the idea of creating an exhibition project-competition of a regional scale, which would cover various creative searches of artists from different regions Kaluga region.
The idea immediately found support in the Regional Department of Culture, which helped put this project into practice in January 1994. It was then that the Regional Final Exhibition-Competition named after Afanasy Kulikov for awards in the field of fine arts was held for the first time in the Regional Picture Gallery "Obraz".
The main goals that the organizers of the competition adhered to were: motivating contemporary participants in the regional artistic process to create iconic works of art of a high level and the development and preservation of the artistic features of the Kaluga region, including through the purchase of works by the prize winners in the gallery funds.
Today, according to the results of the Regional Final Exhibition-Competition named after Afanasy Kulikov, ten prizes in the field of fine arts are awarded for the most talented, novel and original work of fine or decorative applied art in the following nominations: painting, graphics, sculpture, decorative and applied art, created over the past three years. This allows not only to creatively stimulate artists and craftsmen of the Kaluga region, but also to support them financially.
Since 2014, the Regional Final Exhibition-Competition named after Afanasy Kulikov continues to live within the walls of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts, which every year in late autumn and early winter opens its doors to everyone who wants to take part in the exhibition and evaluate the presented works as a spectator…
Tel. for inquiries: 56-28-30
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