Exhibition "Everyone has a rest in his own way"
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с 16 по 26 Декабря
Поволжское отделение Российской академии художеств
Лаврушинский пер., д. 15
December 15 at 18.00 in the Coordination Center of the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts "Lavrushinsky`15" will open the personal exhibition "Everyone rests in his own way" member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, a member of the Union of Photographers of Russia, a member of the National Union of Photographers of Ukraine Volodymyr Panayev. The exhibition runs from December 16 to 26, 2016.
Vladimir Panayev is the deputy chairman of the Regional Public Organization of Professional Photographers and Photography Lovers “ALFA”, visits the oldest Novovator photo club in Moscow.
He was one of the initiators of the Moscow city competition of art photography among students of secondary schools in Moscow and the Moscow region "FROM CONCERNMENT TO CREATIVITY".
The participant is the winner and winner of many collective and club exhibitions. He was awarded bronze, silver and gold medals of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia for his contribution to Russian culture.
Rest is one of the most important aspects of the life of a modern person, regardless of his status and social status.
In this project, the author tries to show a person resting, a variety of forms and methods of relaxation. He devoted years to the development of this topic and continues to work on it, because the topic, as it turned out, is simply inexhaustible.
Just imagine, one to relax prefers to close his eyes and relax while lying down. Least whimsical in moments of fatigue is enough to lean against the parapet of the embankment or even lie down on it. Someone likes to sit on a bench in the park, and the third prefers to get a book in a hammock in the same park. Others even consider it a blessing in private with everyone to kiss their beloved.
When more time appears, other possibilities appear. Theaters, museums, exhibition halls, cafes and restaurants open their doors to all comers. Many people love traveling, while others walk along the shady alleys in the neighboring park. Some lovers of wanderings flock abroad, while others more than enough open spaces of our vast country. Some go by car, others by ship, still others choose a plane. But here everything is different. Some from above look at the earth, others are sleeping peacefully. Many go fishing. Some are fascinated by hang gliding. It is difficult, or even impossible, to list all possible options.
From the array of material collected over the years of work on the topic, at this exhibition only a small part of the photographs selected, taking into account the available exhibition space, is presented.
Organizers of large corporate events and large exhibitions often use body art (Body-art - English) means the art of decorating the body. Since the scale of this exhibition is far from those mentioned above, the exhibitor, instead of inviting painted beauties, presents several of their photographs.
Photos and publications of V. Panayev can be found on the website www.alfafoto.ru, in the gallery http://wap7.gallery.ru, and on the page of Vladimir Panayev on Facebook.