The exhibition "Kazan - it is my future ..."
Automatic translate
с 22 Февраля
по 16 МаяНациональная художественная галерея “Хазинэ”
Кремль, проезд Шейнкмана, 12, 3-й подъезд
The exhibition "Kazan - it is my future…", dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the outstanding artist, photographer, designer Alexander Mikhailovich Rodchenko, did not appear by chance. Almost 15 years of A. Rodchenko’s life are connected with our city. Here he decided to become an artist. The Kazan period contained all the significant events that contributed to its creative formation: studying at the Kazan Art School in the workshop of N. I. Feshin, and a fateful meeting within the walls of the school with Varvara Stepanova, future comrade-in-arms and wife, one of the famous “Amazons” of the Russian avant-garde. Constructivism A. Rodchenko was formed after a rapid stylistic evolution from realism, symbolism, futurism, passion for Japanese art. A significant role in the formation of the young artist was played by self-education, communication with local intelligentsia, visiting classical music concerts, museums, libraries, as well as circuses, cafes, and cinemas. He saw here the flight of the first Kazan pilot A. Vasiliev. All this in one way or another shaped his future creativity, experimentalism and versatility in art. Unfortunately, Alexander Rodchenko is still not included in the context of the Kazan avant-garde of the early twentieth century, although it is perhaps his pioneer. The famous “Linear-Circular Compositions” of 1915, the first theoretical understanding of the new artistic experiment, are connected precisely with Kazan. After leaving for Moscow in 1916, Alexander Rodchenko had long maintained creative and family ties with Kazan.
The anniversary exposition presents materials related to the early Kazan period of creativity of A. Rodchenko and his associate and wife V. Stepanova. Most exhibits will be shown for the first time. These are documentary photographs of the 1910-1920s, archival documents, print media, autographs, works by A. Rodchenko and other authors of that time, revealing the features of his creative formation and interaction. Also, for the first time, viewers will see the works of A. Rodchenko and V. Stepanova from the funds of the Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tajikistan and received as a gift to the Museum in 2016 from the grandson of the famous couple - A.N. Lavrentiev. The gift includes painting, graphics and copyright prints of photographs by A. Rodchenko.
The Kazan period of the master became a kind of quintessence of the cultural and social message that our city possessed at the beginning of the last century. Now, a century later, historical justice requires that Kazan be fully integrated into the context of the Russian avant-garde, without gaps and omissions, and A. Rodchenko has become part of our Kazan history of fine art.