Exhibition dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the Regional Branch of the Urals, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Academy of Arts
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с 7 Декабря
по 15 ЯнваряГалерея искусств Зураба Церетели
ул. Пречистенка, 19
The Russian Academy of Arts presents an exhibition dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the Regional Branch of the Urals, Siberia and the Far East. The exposition includes works from the Museum Fund of the Russian Academy of Arts, collections of the VTOO "Union of Artists of Russia" and personal collections of the authors. About 100 paintings and graphic sheets, as well as sculptures of small forms and arts and crafts reflect various artistic trends and genres. The works of contemporary academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Arts side by side in the exposition with the works of masters of the USSR Academy of Arts, whose work is represented in the collections of the country’s largest museums.

The regional branch of the Russian Academy of Arts in Krasnoyarsk was founded in March 1987 (according to the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the USSR Council of Ministers "On measures for the further development of art", the Siberian-Far Eastern branch of the USSR Academy of Arts was created and academic creative workshops were opened). Today, the Department of USDV RAH is a scientific, creative and organizational center that plays an important role in the artistic life of the regions that make up three-quarters of the territory of Russia. From the first days of its existence, the Department has been carrying out large-scale work: carrying out fundamental scientific research, publishing scientific, reference, methodological literature and catalog albums, organizing conferences, creative meetings and exhibitions, providing internships at the Creative Workshops of the Russian Academy of Arts, supporting young artists in every possible way.
For 35 years, the Department was headed by such famous artists as A. I. Alekseev (1929 – 2019), L. N. Golovnitsky (1929 – 1994), Yu. P. Ishkhanov (1929 – 2009), A. P. Levitin (1922 – 2018), S. E. Anufriev (1960 – 2022) – some of their works can be seen at the exhibition. The exposition also presents works by S. S. Ainutdinov, V. P. Afanasiev, B. T. Bychkov (1928 – 2005), A. D. Vasiliev, G. M. Wiesel, K. S. Voinov, V. M. Volovich (1928 – 2018), S. V. Guriev, Z. D. Didishvili, V. P. Drozdov, V. V. Zuev, V. V. Ivankin, Yu. P. Ishkhanov (1929 – 2009), G. P. Kichigina, A. A. Klyueva, K. B. Kuzminykh, A. N. Mashanova, M. S. Ombysh-Kuznetsova, A. N. Osipova (1928 – 2017), G. S. Pashtova, N. I Rybakova, V. A. Sergina, V. P. Teplov, M. V. Shebeko (Kholmogorova), R. I. Yausheva (1937 – 2017) and others.
Many artists try to convey in their work the originality of the culture and life of the indigenous peoples of the North and the Far East - the heroes of their paintings are reindeer herders, fishermen, hunters, living in complete harmony with nature. The landscapes are distinguished either by their brightness and colorfulness, as if a hymn to the beauty of the world is being sung, or by the simplicity of their coloristic and compositional solutions, emphasizing the severity of the northern region. The works of sculptors and masters of decorative art reveal not only the mythological and aesthetic views of the peoples of Siberia, but also various plastic properties of materials - ceramics, bronze, glass, wood. Restraint and striving for conciseness, simplicity of the meaningful image are often characteristic of the creative style of these authors.
The masters have a bright personality and a unique artistic language, each has their own themes and images, but at the same time the creative path of the artists shows how valuable the high traditions of art based on real professionalism are. The activities of the members of the Department fully confirm that in the constantly changing modernity, the academic school is still vital and fruitful. The artistic life of the Urals, Siberia and the Far East is becoming more and more large-scale every year - the anniversary exhibition at the Russian Academy of Arts provides an opportunity to get to know it better.