Exhibition "Out of Selection" Maria Kalmykova, Maxim Protsenko, Polina Zemskova
Automatic translate
с 27 Июля
по 8 СентябряГалерея “На Каширке”
ул. Ак.Миллионщикова, д.35, корп.5
July 27 in the gallery "On Kashirka" Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" will open the exhibition "From the selection", dedicated to the Year of the theater.
“From selection” is a theatrical term meaning that if for a new performance something from props or costumes is not enough, then you can choose from a collection of past productions that are coming or have already left the stage. For the artist, the meaning of the term is revealed more broadly - in it is the meaning, the concept, and the method. You can pick up both from the floor and from the garbage, receive as a gift from friends or choose in the store some item that will become part of the new work.
Artists Maria Kalmykova and Maxim Protsenko (M + M) often use this artistic technique, introducing objects already used in their work, whether it be an old board, a broken sewing machine, a spring mattress, car wipers, etc.
The exhibition will feature objects, sculptures, installations created precisely on this principle. They will complement the exposition of the photo work by Polina Zemskova, who recorded with her camera the working moments of the performance of the performance in the Sovremennik Theater.
The exhibition takes place in the Year of the Theater. Maria Kalmykova and Maxim Protsenko work a lot as theater artists, they know this world from the inside and reveal the little secrets of the artist’s profession.
Exhibition "Out of Selection", 6+
July 27 - September 8, 2019
Gallery "On Kashirka", Moscow, ul. Ak. Millionschikova, 35/5, metro Kashirskaya
Tue-Sun: 11 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Entrance ticket: 100 rubles, preferential 50 rubles.
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