Exhibition HISTORY OF RUSSIA IN PHOTOS 1918 - 1940
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с 13 Октября
по 4 НоябряГалерея современного искусства ГМИИ РТ
ул.Карла Маркса, 57
Photo album “History of Russia in photographs. 1918 - 1940 ”- the second part of the unique multimedia project of the museum“ Moscow House of Photography ”-“ Photo Archiving of Russian History ”, designed to recreate a reliable image of events and characters of the real historical process. Part of the project, in addition to creating an interactive site, is the publication of the four-volume publication “Russia. XX century in photographs ”- attests with documentary evidence and photographic fatality the atmosphere, life, catastrophe and war of the past century.
The exhibition presents the works of masters of photography of the first half of the twentieth century, including Alexander Rodchenko, Arkady Shaikhet, Boris Ignatovich, Ivan Shagin, Vladislav Mikosha, Mikhail Prekhner, George Zelma. These are photographs from the collections of the Moscow House of Photography Museum, the State Archive of the Russian Federation, the Russian State Library, the State Museum of the Political History of Russia, and the State Central Museum. A. A. Bakhrushin, Russian State Archive of Film and Photo Documents, the Union of Photographers of Russia, as well as private collections and family archives.
The exhibition and the book contain a variety of subjects and faces: Emperor Nicholas II with his family in Tobolsk, the civil war, the birth of constructivism and Konstantin Melnikov, NEP, Lenin’s funeral and the construction of the mausoleum, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Sergey Eisenstein, Leonid Utesov, Mikhail Bulgakov, construction Dneproges, the adoption of the General Plan of Moscow in 1935, a visit to Russia by Bernard Shaw and much more. The four-part structure of the book allows you to create a cinematic digest of chapters (1918-1922, 1923-1928, 1929-1934, 1935-1940), the photos are provided with historical comments and references at the end of the publication, and the printing enlargement of fragments of pictures allows you to consider and contemplate details of the situation, life, persons.
The project “Photo Archiving of Russian History” today exists not only in print format, but also as a special Internet portal www.russiainphoto.ru. Here, users can view archived images (for convenience of search, they are divided into thematic groups, such as Transport, Architecture, Factories, Feast, Holidays, Fashion, etc.), add their photos, attribute images and create their own virtual exhibition of their favorite snapshots. This is an opportunity for everyone to complement our past, to capture the history of today, which someone will definitely need, just as we need photographs of those who lived before us.
An intensive search for future paths of human development is impossible without understanding and comprehending the lessons of the past. The history of Russia of the twentieth century was written and copied hundreds of times. Meanwhile, photography was and remains one of the most reliable material evidence of the past era. The reconstruction of the photographic chronicle of the Russian state of the last century is necessary for self-identification with one’s own past, as well as for acquiring value orientations facing the future. The objective of this project is to provide an opportunity for an unbiased look at the development of domestic history and experience it emotionally. (Olga Sviblova, Director of the Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow, Moscow House of Photography Museum).
The exhibition, which opens on October 13, 2016 (runs through November 4), features 93 photographs. The next two exhibitions of this project, which will be presented in Kazan, in the Gallery of Modern Art of the Pushkin Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan: “History of Russia in photographs. 1941 - 1945 "(9. 11 - 11. 12. 2016)," History of Russia in photographs. 1946 - 1964 "(20. 01 - 20. 02. 2017).
The mode of operation of the State Museum of Fine Arts of the Pushkin Museum of RT:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday: 10.00-18.00; Thursday: 10.00 – 20.00
The cash desk closes half an hour earlier. Closed Monday
Last Tuesday of every month Gallery is closed (sanitary day)
The cost of an admission ticket for adults is 100 rubles, for students and senior citizens-70 rubles, for students-50 rubles.
Phones for information: 8 (843) 238 43 27; 8 (843) 236 69 31
Website of the Pushkin Museum of RT: www.izo-museum.ru