Exhibition "History of Russian Ballet"
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с 8 Октября
по 8 НоябряВсероссийский музей декоративно-прикладного и народного искусства
ул. Делегатская, 3
On October 8, the All-Russian Museum of Decorative and Applied Art opens the exhibition “The History of Russian Ballet”, which offers a modern look at the art of Russian ballet in its current and historical aspect. The goal of the project is to supplement and enrich the impressions of Russian ballet fans through related areas of art, artistic details, individual production histories, fragments of works. To draw the attention of our contemporaries to the ballet of today, its connection with the great figures of the past, the continuity of generations and art schools throughout the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
Bakst L.N. (1866-1924). A sketch of the scenery for the ballet Cleopatra to the music of A. Arensky. Chatelet Theater. Paris. Russian seasons. 1909
The exhibition will feature a wide range of viewers with unique works from the collections of Moscow museums. The most significant exhibits are monumental depictions in bronze of the great ballerinas of the 20th century, Galina Ulanova and Maya Plisetskaya, sculptor Elena Yanson-Manizer, known for her work on Russian ballet and sports, monumental projects for the Moscow Metro (Dynamo, Dobryninskaya stations). They conveyed the very soul of the dance, the nature of the movement, noticed that barely perceptible, which is the essence of the image. The portrait of Ulanova in the role of Odette in Swan Lake has been kept for several decades in the funds of the State Tretyakov Gallery. The same monumental sculpture of Galina Ulanova is installed in front of the Royal Dance Museum in Stockholm. The sculpture depicting Maya Plisetskaya in the image of a Swan was created by Elena Janson-Manizer in 1968 specifically for the great ballerina.
E.A. Janson-Manizer (1890-1971). "Odette - Galina Ulanova." 1940. Bronze
E.A. Janson-Manizer (1890-1971). "Swan-Maya Plisetskaya." 1968-1969
Ballet in Russia traditionally has a high status in the cultural life of the state, and abroad it has long been an associative number of Russian art and is a hallmark of our country. Russian ballet keeps its aesthetic canons and is the legislator of classical choreography all over the world since the time of modern history.
The exhibition exposition reflects all facets of art objects inspired by ballet. It shows the picturesque and graphic sketches of scenery, costumes for the famous productions of “Russian Seasons” by Sergey Diaghilev, made by artists of the first magnitude - Lev Bakst, Alexander Benois, Natalia Goncharova, Mikhail Larionov; original costumes, realized in the material according to their sketches. The author’s reconstruction of stage costumes for the “Russian Seasons” by contemporary theater artist Anna Tender is also presented. The influence of Russian choreographic art on European Art Deco masters can be seen in the sculptures of Demeter Chiparus and Pierre Lorel.
Benoit A.N. "Holiday in the castle." Sketch of the scenery for the ballet “Spells of the Alsina Fairy” 1929 Entreprise Ida Rubinstein
The creative search for the interaction of different types of art in the second half of the 20th century reflects Igor Makarov’s sketches for television films featuring Maya Plisetskaya to the music of Rodion Shchedrin “Lady with a Dog” directed by Boris Galanter and “The Duel” by Boris Eifman. Outstanding ballet dancer, choreographer, theater director Vladimir Vasiliev reveals the universality of his talent in author’s scenography, works in watercolor.
Vasiliev Vladimir. “Giselle” 2nd act, set design, paper, watercolor, 2008 25x36 cm
The exhibition presents objects from the collection of Soviet porcelain of the All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art - sculptural images of the famous ballerinas Tatyana Karsavina, Galina Ulanova, Maya Plisetskaya in legendary stage images. Some of the items from this collection, made in the 1920s - 1950s. at the Leningrad Porcelain Factory on the models of Vera Mukhina, Elena Yanson-Manizer, Natalya Danko.
The sculptural miniature dedicated to the memory of Maya Plisetskaya from the collection “Images of Russian Ballet” was created by the creative group SASONKO. The great ballerina is captured in an image resembling the iconographic image of Oranta, with her hands open in anticipation of eternity - the embodiment of fragility and strength.
Tatyana Khromoseeva, SASONKO Ballet collection - Maya miniature, 2015
Khromoseeva Tatyana. Sketch of the sculptural miniature "Maya".
“Stories of Russian ballet” invites viewers to recall the masterpieces of artistic productions, the outstanding personalities of Russian ballet, to touch the eternal values created thanks to the high art of dance.
- “Small Great Things” by Jodi Picoult
- A 17th-century painting discovered in a Paris boutique for wallpaper