Exhibition "Isaac Levitan"
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с 23 Августа
по 12 НоябряКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 103
On August 23 at 15-00 in the Information, Educational and Exhibition Center of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (Lenin St., 103, Red Hall), the grand opening of the Isaac Levitan exhibition will take place.
Without the work of Isaac Ilyich Levitan (1840 - 1900) it is difficult to imagine the history of the domestic landscape. His name is on a par with the names of such famous masters as F. A. Vasiliev, A. K. Savrasov, I. I. Shishkin. However, the concept of “Levitan landscape” not only supplements existing ideas about this genre, but in the depth of its internal intention is a kind of peak of its development. “Levitan is great in that he knew how to combine the lyrical with the epic,” says one of his colleagues who knew the artist. The "great poet of nature" continued the work begun by his predecessors and moved on to the goal that was unattainable in his view. “Could it be more tragic, how to feel the endless beauty of the environment, notice the secret secret, see God in everything and not be able, conscious of our powerlessness, to express these great feelings…” - the artist wrote in one of his letters in 1897 to his friend, the famous writer A P. Chekhov. The mystery of nature, which haunted Levitan’s creative nature, looks even more hidden for future generations. One can open the veil of this mystery only by plunging into the “unspeakable sadness” of the master’s works.
The artist throughout his creative life tried to create a collective landscape image of the homeland. He learned to see in nature the subtle lyrics devoid of the external effects of the national landscape. In a free, sometimes close to impressionistic, picturesque manner, “clarity of motive” was born, so familiar and close to any resident of central Russia. Having achieved the highest professional skill, the painter "understood, like no one, the tender, transparent charm of Russian nature, its sad charm."
Having lived a relatively short life, Levitan left behind a rich creative heritage. His works can be found even in the most distant museums of our country. Having gained recognition at foreign exhibitions during his lifetime, he still attracts the attention of art lovers with high lots of his works at Russian auctions of prestigious foreign auctions. At the same time, the need for a more complete and unhurried acquaintance with both his famous and little-known works, with his phenomenally dramatic fate is felt more and more sharply.
The composition of this exposition - the first exhibition of I.I. Levitan in Kaluga - includes 28 paintings and drawings: 25 of which belong to the collection of the State Russian Museum, 2 works - collections of the State Memorial Historical, Art and Natural Museum-Reserve of V. D. Polenov, 1 work is presented from the funds of the Serpukhov Historical and Art Museum.
The exhibition gives an idea of the early period of the artist’s work (“Summer. On a bee-keeper” (late 1870s – early 1880s, State Russian Museum), “Bird cherry” (early 1880s, State Russian Museum), “House with Rakita” (first half of the 1880s, the State Russian Museum), “Entry into the Village” (Etude, 1884, Museum-Reserve of V. D. Polenov), on the open-air achievements of the mature period of the master (for example, The Overgrown Pond (1887, State Russian Museum), about the artist’s travels to the Crimea (“Near the Sea. Crimea” (1886, the State Russian Museum), “The Sea Coast. Crimea” (1886, the State Russian Museum) and to Italy (“Lake Como (Italy)” (1895, the State Russian Museum). the painter the image of the great Russian river Volga was reflected in e Yurievets. Cloudy day on the Volga "(1890, Serpukhov Museum of History and Art). Works of the artist’s late period are characterized by the breadth of natural conditions and motifs:" Spring. Last Snow "(1895, State Russian Museum)," Late Autumn "(1894, Timing), "Early Spring" (1898, Timing), "Felled Forest. Woodpiles", (1897, Museum-Reserve of V. D. Polenov), "Gully" (1898, Timing), "Stream" (1899), " Twilight. Moon ”(1899, study for the painting of the same name in 1899, the State Russian Museum). A separate section of the exhibition is devoted to Levitan’s graphic works - velvet pastels and delicate watercolors: “On the river. Sketch ”(State Russian Museum),“ Lunar Landscape ”(State Museum),“ Apiary ”(1887, State Museum),“ River Valley. Autumn ”(1896, State Russian Museum),“ Gloomy Day ”(1895, State Russian Museum),“ Autumn Landscape ”(1890s, State Russian Museum).
The exposition is supplemented by archival materials telling about the works of II. Levitan, lost from the collection of the Kaluga Museum of Art during the Great Patriotic War.
The exhibition is a continuation of a series of expositions representing works by prominent Russian artists from the collection of the State Russian Museum as part of the pilot project “Cultural and Exhibition Centers of the Russian Museum in the Russian Regions”. Earlier in Kaluga, exhibitions of works by Zinaida Serebryakova, Nikolai Roerich and Konstantin Korovin were shown.
The exhibition is accompanied by an extensive educational program, including thematic tours and classes, poetry and music evenings. Schedules and detailed information will be posted on the website http://artmuseum.kaluga.ru/ and in the museum groups on social networks.
The exhibition runs until November 12th.
To the address: Ul. Lenin, 103.
Tel for reference: 56-28-30
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