Exhibition of the Irkutsk artist Vladimir SCHERBININ "All the colors of the Siberian summer"
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с 18 Октября
по 5 НоябряВсероссийский Государственный Институт Кинематографии (ВГИК) им. С.А. Герасимова (Иркутский филиал)
ул. Р. Люксембург 170
The exhibition will feature more than 40 works by the artist created in the summer of 2013 - 2016. g.
In the paintings of Vladimir Shcherbinin, the Siberian summer is reflected in landscapes, in the bright colors of wildflowers and garden flowers, in vibrant shades of the sunlit forest and apple orchard, in the overflows of the water surface of a mountain river with its irrepressible and strong character.
The artist in his work does not give preference to any season. Equally well he succeeds in the cold winter landscapes, the crimson yellow autumn, the spring forest waking up after a long winter.
In the artist’s paintings presented at the exposition, the theme of summer and the power of life are fully and variedly revealed in interesting subjects and the colorful abundance of summer flowering.
Siberia is usually associated with long, cold winters, blizzards, frozen rivers, and snows all the way to the horizon. But in the summer in Siberia, nature seems to break out of the captivity of winter sleep and show such a rapid change in "scenery" that it takes your breath away. It is scorching heat and downpours with thunderstorms; lush flowering and sweet air infused with the aromas of flowers; this is a bird’s noise and the sound of water on the rifts.
The Siberian summer is short, therefore all processes in nature proceed rapidly. Grasses, flowers, trees are in a hurry to grow, ripen, give fruits and seeds to continue life. Nature spares no colors; an abundance of flowers and aromas attracts bees for pollination and birds for the transfer and dispersal of seeds.
In his summer works, the artist conveys the powerful sound of flowering nature: "Apple Tree Branch", "Karmanikha Mountain", "Flowering Potato", "Meadow Flowers".
Apple tree branch. 2016. Oil on cardboard. 50x70 cm
Mount Karmanikh. 2014. Oil on cardboard. 70x50 cm
Meadow flowers. 2013. Oil on cardboard. 70x50 cm
Flowering potatoes. 2016. Oil on cardboard. 50x70 cm
In the picture "Thistle" the indomitable force of life is clearly expressed.
Thistle. 2014. Oil on cardboard. 70x50 cm
The wild, unbridled energy of the river flowing from the foothills of the Sayan Mountains is shown in the work “Wind on the River”.
Wind on the river. 2014. Oil on cardboard. 70x50 cm
And meadow and garden flowers in the artist’s works seem to exude an elusive sweet aroma.
“Before the storm”, this picture shows the severity of Siberian nature.
Before the storm. 2014. Oil on cardboard. 70x50 cm
Closer to autumn, carefree chirping and trills of birds give way to an alarming rustle of foliage, as if the trees are unhappy with the cool of the night. The first yellow leaves fall from the trees, the grass dries. Nature freezes in anticipation of autumn.
We observe the same changes as in nature in the artist’s mood: pacification - “Summer noon”, “Morning on the river” and a surge of emotions, expressions - “Dark water”, “Blooming pumpkin”.
Summer afternoon. 2016. Oil on cardboard. 50x70 cm
Dark water 2016. Oil on cardboard. 50x70 cm
Morning on the river. 2014. Oil on cardboard. 70x50 cm
Blooming pumpkin. 2016. Oil on cardboard. 50x70 cm
The common denominator of the presented collection is exclusivity, characterized by sincerity, the search for new solutions and the use of a large combination of styles, colors and compositions, which allows the artist to realize his plan.
The exhibition "All colors of the Siberian summer" will be held from October 18 to November 5, 2016
Thickets 2016. Oil on cardboard. 50x70 cm