Exhibition "Irkutsk Alice and others ..."
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с 8 Октября
по 1 НоябряУсадьба В.П. Сукачева
ул. Декабрьских Событий, 112
“The exhibition, the main character of which is a curious girl who once through a rabbit hole fell into an unusual world, will open in the department of the Irkutsk Art Museum“ V.P. Sukachev’s Estate ”on October 8, 2015 at 16.00. The exposition is dedicated to the year of literature in Russia and is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the release of the first edition of Lewis Carroll’s book “Alice in Wonderland”. It is worth noting that this anniversary in Russia did not go unnoticed both in the theatrical and in the museum environment. Irkutsk will show the public its Alice. In Irkutsk, this book was first published in 1992 in the translation of Vladimir Nabokov, who adapted the story of the incredible adventures of an English girl, making it as understandable and close to the Russian reader as possible. Alice became Anya, therefore, the 1992 Irkutsk edition came out under the title "Anya in Wonderland." All illustrations for it were made by graphic artist Yana Lisitsina.
Yana Lisitsina. Snail Mot_Exhibition Irkutsk Alice and others
After the release of the book, Yana Lisitsina continued the theme of “Alice”, creating a series of lithographs while working at the Chelyuskinskaya Creative House (Moscow), equipped for graphic artists. This series was included in the collection of the Irkutsk Regional Art Museum. V.P. Sukachev and in other collections. The complete set of lithographs "Alice in Wonderland" just can be seen at the exhibition in the estate. Alice’s company will be composed of characters from other publications, on whose illustrations Yana Lisitsina also worked: “Lucky” by L. Charskaya, “Death of the Spy Gadiukin” by V. Dragunsky, children’s literary and artistic magazine “Sibiryachok”. Also, the exhibition will feature unique graphic series: “Irkutsk Leaflets”, “Naturalist’s Album”, “Angels”, “Moon Dreams”, etc.
This project is educational. It is designed primarily for children of primary and secondary school age. At the exhibition, the author expands the theme of book illustration, informing the viewer through a booklet and a system of mobile stands about the structure of the book as a whole and the specifics of its design, about the types of illustrations, about the search for the image of literary heroes. Thus, the artist opens the doors of his studio, inviting the public to the creative “backstage”.
Yana Lisitsina: Graphic artist, candidate of historical sciences (history and theory of culture), member of the VTOO “Union of Russian Artists” and the International Association of Fine Arts - UNESCO AIAP, member of the Russian Union of Journalists. He has been actively exhibiting since 1989. In the “Book of Records of the Irkutsk Region 2006” she is presented as the only woman etcher in the region. Works in various graphic techniques. Graphics Ya.Yu. Lisitsina is in the collections of several museums, as well as in private collections in Russia and abroad. As an illustrator, he has been collaborating with the Sibiryachok children’s literature and art magazine since its founding (since 1992), and is also a member of the journal’s editorial board.
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