Exhibition "Ilya Repin"
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с 24 Августа
по 2 ДекабряКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 103
August 24 at 16-00 in the Information, educational and exhibition center of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (Lenin St., 103, first floor) will be the grand opening of the exhibition "Ilya Repin" from the collection of the State Russian Museum.

The exposition presents 32 works of Repin, which are part of the collection of the State Russian Museum, as well as 2 works from the funds of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts. Among them are works of portraiture and historical genre, still life, landscape, as well as paintings on religious subjects and preparatory studies for famous works of the author.
The purpose of this exhibition is to reveal the truly complex work of the great master of painting, a reflection of the genre and plot diversity of his creative biography.
The exposition gives an extensive idea of the pictorial and graphic portraits of the famous artist: “Portrait of Vasily Efimovich Repin” (late 1860 - early 1870s, State Russian Museum), “Portrait of E. P. Antokolskaya” (1893, State Russian Museum), “Portrait of P. I. Pirogov "(1881, State Russian Museum)," Portrait of the writer N. B. Nordman-Severova "(1905, State Russian Museum)," Portrait of E. V. Pavlov "(1892, State Russian Museum)," Portrait of V. P. Shchegolenkov "(1879, Timing), "Portrait of a Trudovik’s wife" (1907, Timing), "Portrait of a neuropathologist and psychiatrist Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev" (1913, Timing), "Portrait of Maxim Gorky (1899, Timing)," Portrait of a retired military man (1877, Timing), "Portrait of the Artist Ernest Karlovich Lipgart" (1907, the State Russian Museum), "Self-Portrait" (1878, the State Russian Museum), etc.
The most important historical theme for the painter’s work was reflected in such paintings as “In besieged Moscow” (1912, the State Russian Museum), “The Wedding of Nicholas II and Grand Duchess Alexandra Fedorovna” (1894, the State Russian Museum), a sketch for the painting “Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan "(1883-1913, the State Russian Museum).
Sophisticated philosophical views and the artist’s creative search are revealed to the viewer in religious works entitled “Taking Christ to the Guard” (1886, the State Russian Museum) and “Follow Me, Satan” (1895, the Russian State Museum).
Of great interest are the sketches and sketches for famous works of the artist, in which Repin proved to be an outstanding master of composition and color (“Portrait of V.K. von Pleve” (sketch for the painting “Solemn meeting of the State Council on May 7, 1901 on the centenary anniversary from the day of its establishment ”) (1901-1903, State Russian Museum),“ A lady leaning on a chair ”(study for the painting“ Paris Cafe ”(1875, State Russian Museum),“ Study of a female head (N. B. Nordman-Severova) ” (end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries, KIII)).
Separate works present such genres as still life and landscape (“Landscape with a Bridge” (1881, State Russian Museum) and “Apples and Leaves” (1879, State Russian Museum).
None of the 19th-century Russian artists enjoyed such fame during their lifetime as Repin. He occupied in the art world a place close to that in the literary world - Leo Tolstoy. For at least a quarter of a century, each of his paintings was expected with intense attention. Endowed with an unusually keen sense of life, its difficult social problems and deep spiritual needs, Repin outlined the most essential aspects of Russian realism in the second half of the 19th century with his works, and greatly contributed to the fact that Russian fine art took an important place in the pan-European cultural process.
The exhibition is accompanied by an extensive scientific and educational program, including thematic excursions and classes, as well as film screenings. Schedules and detailed information will be posted on the website http://artmuseum.kaluga.ru/ and in the museum groups on social networks.
The exhibition runs until December 2.
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