Exhibition of Ilya Komov "The Way"
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с 15 Декабря
по 10 ЯнваряРоссийская академия художеств
Пречистенка, 21
December 15, 2015 at 16 hours in the halls of the Russian Academy of Arts at the address: st. Prechistenka, 21 opens exhibition of paintings by the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts Ilya Komov - “The Way” .
Solo exhibition of I. Komov, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the artist, gives an idea of the main directions of his work over the past decade.
Ilya Olegovich Komov was born in 1965 in Moscow. A graduate of the Moscow Art School and the Moscow State Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov (a painting workshop under the direction of Professor T. T. Salakhov, 1989). Since 1991 - Member of the Union of Artists of Russia. In 2007 he was awarded the silver medal of the Russian Academy of Arts. The author of more than 30 solo exhibitions both in Russia and abroad. The artist’s works are in collections of domestic art museums, in Russian and foreign private collections.
In his work, I. Komov draws on the experience of the masters of ancient Russian monumental painting, as well as the art of the first half of the twentieth century. The artist realizes that it is the thousand-year history of Russian culture that is the most convincing example of how form and content can serve a single task, but at a new historical stage. Picturesque freedom, mastery of color and bright creative temperament are distinctively manifested in the paintings of I. Komov. These qualities, along with the undoubted gift of seeing space, a dynamic composition, allow the artist to achieve the acute emotionality of his works.
Ilya Komov works in different cities and countries of the world. During a creative expedition to India, he created a picturesque cycle of sharp-characteristic and expressive portraits of its inhabitants. In her message on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition of Komov’s works at the India International Center Gallery in New Delhi, the Indian National Congress Party Chairman Sonia Gandhi expressed her gratitude to the artist: “Thank you for your love for my people, so beautifully expressed in your works.”
In 2008-2009 with the blessing of Metropolitan Amphilochius I. Komov, he worked in the monasteries of Montenegro, devoting to this country a cycle of soulful portraits and landscapes “Life as a miracle. Hidden Montenegro. "
The artist shows a genuine interest in his characters. He pays tribute to the domestic tradition of expressing a psychological portrait through open color and an acute emotional form, while simultaneously conducting the most daring searches in painting. Some critics draw parallels of his creative manner with expressionists of the last century.
Working in the portrait genre, the artist seeks to convey not only the external resemblance, but also create a psychological portrait of the model, reflect the inner world of a person. He enlarges the figures of the characters, abandoning details and details, bringing them closer to the viewer. It should be noted the artist’s love of color. An open and rich color expresses the essence of the image, giving Komov’s painting a musical sound. His work is characterized by a fracture of forms, some coloristic extravagance and amazing plasticity. The picturesque space is built using clearly defined color planes.
One of the artist’s interesting projects is “Duel”. This is a series of portraits of folk artists of Russia - E. Knyazev, L. Maksakova, Y. Rutberg and other actors of the State Academic Theater named after E. Vakhtangov, captured in the scenic images of the performances “Queen of Spades”, “Eugene Onegin”, “Masquerade”. The characters of the heroes, the intensity of their relationship are very precisely expressed through the expressive composition, open color, rhythmic contrasts. The stage language of the famous director Rimas Tuminas, who reveals the depth of the stage image using plastic means, was especially close to the artist.
In the series “Faces of Music”, the artist paints portraits of musicians from around the world.
The exhibition also features landscapes of the artist, which are timeless in nature. Architectural structures, nature are rather an occasion, allowing the artist to delve into the search for coloristic and compositional solutions.
In recent years, I. Komov has been working and opening his exhibitions in Russia and France. The French public calls him an artist who follows the traditions of the Russian school of painting, but with a strong French accent.
In 2011, his painting "Libertango" was presented at the anniversary international salon in the Louvre, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the National Society of Fine Arts.
The exposition also included works from his personal exhibition “The Face of Catalonia”, held in October this year in the city of Sere, department of the Eastern Pyrenees, France. “Ilya Komov is a follower of Fauvism, invented in 1903 by Matisse and Derain in Collioure. Through recognizable facial features, he expresses our inner self. We believe his view of us, and he gives us the opportunity to see ourselves from the outside. He observes and reveals the main thing in us… He boldly transforms the form: the shape of the roofs, colonnades, to emphasize their internal burning. We hear the silence of the monasteries, the presence of the sacred dawns on us, we feel the emotion of the artist, ”said the writer and poet Charles-Henri Julia about this exhibition project.
The art of I. Komov, clear and lively, based on a full-scale impression, creates a capacious artistic image, addressed to the human soul.
The artist is sure that 50 years is an occasion for summing up only intermediate results. The main work, the main events of creative life are ahead.
The exposition includes about 40 paintings created over the past 10 years.
The exhibition runs on January 10, 2016.
- Portraits of Vakhtangov artists at the exhibition of Ilya Komov in the Pushkin Museum
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