Exhibition of the Icon-Painting Studio at the Temple in the name of the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Dimitry Donskoy
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с 24 Сентября
по 16 ОктябряУсадьба В.П. Сукачева
ул. Декабрьских Событий, 112
September 24 at 13.00 in the Manor of V. P. Sukachev (st. December Events, 112) will open an exhibition of works by the Icon Studio at the Church in the name of the Holy Right-Believing Grand Duke Dimitry Donskoy. The exposition presents graduation works of students of different years, including those created for the church of Demetrius Donskoy, as well as the icon of the Holy Mother of God of St. Peter.
The icon-painting studio at the Church in the name of the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Dimitry Donskoy in Irkutsk was founded in 2016 with the blessing of His Grace Metropolitan Vadim of Irkutsk and Angarsk. Its organizer and leader is the icon painter of the Irkutsk diocese, a member of the Union of Artists of Russia Elena Aleshina. The teachers are also professional artists Yulia Guseva and Marina Kostyrenko. Over the course of four years, they study icon painting, the basics of the icon painting canon and iconography, the history of icon painting, the basics of the Church Slavonic language and church calligraphy, various technological methods of icon painting, learn how to gild and work with gold leaf. “The work of an icon painter is not only the ability to draw, but also knowledge of theology, hagiographic books, texts of the Bible and the Gospel, this is prayer and life in the Temple,”
At the exhibition, you can see how the professionalism of the studio’s students has grown over the course of several years. The presented works are made in accordance with the canons of icon painting and in compliance with classical technology.
The exhibition of the Icon-Painting Studio at the Church of Demetrius Donskoy will run at the Estate of V. P. Sukachev (112 December Events Street) until October 16. Phone for inquiries: 53-12-24. The exposition is available on the "Pushkin map" https://vmuzey.com/event/ekspozicii-usadby-vp-sukachyova.
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