Exhibition "Game of Spools"
Automatic translate
с 15 Июля
по 30 АвгустаГалерея “Загорье”
Лебедянская ул., д. 24, корп. 2
On July 15, the Zagorye Gallery of the Exhibition Halls of Moscow Association opened the exhibition Game of Spikes, the purpose of which is to show the individuality of the Vostochny Biryulyovo district and demonstrate to its residents how to actively use the urban environment.
The exhibition was attended by young artists from the School. Rodchenko - workshops of Vladislav Efimov and Igor Mukhin - and urbanists of the Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences named after Shanina. Within the framework of the project, they conducted a joint study of the Vostochny Biryulyovo region, in which they combined research and artistic approaches.
The project resulted in a series of photographs, drawings, installations and author guides in the area. As planned by the authors, the viewer, along with the artist, becomes an active participant in the exhibition and can make additions and changes to it. So, the exposition presents an interactive map of the district “Its - East Biryulyovo”, on which everyone can create their own marks. In this sense, the exhibition is one of the stages of the study of the area. Curators Vladislav Efimov and Natalia Kupriyanova hope that in the future it will be the beginning of a deeper scientific study.
"The exhibition" Game of pens "gives the townspeople the opportunity to communicate with each other and understand themselves in their environment."
Vladislav Efimov
"Awareness of the region as one’s own, and oneself as a direct user of its benefits, is an ideal future, to which we hope to bring local residents."
Irina Gogoleva, Arseny Gorodov
undergraduates Urban studies MVSSESEN im. Shanina
Dates: July 15 - August 30, 2015
Venue: Zagorye Gallery
Address: Lebedyanskaya St., 24, bldg. 2
Gallery opening hours: Tue - Sun, 11:00 - 20:00
Ticket price: 50/100 rub.
Zagorie Gallery is a developing site of the Moscow Exhibition Halls Association specializing in inter-museum projects.
The Moscow Exhibition Halls Association is a project of the Moscow City Department of Culture. The association is a network of city galleries open to all types of art, and consists of 19 exhibition halls located in 10 districts of Moscow.
- The program of the Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow", dedicated to the celebration of Moscow City Day
- Igor Dryomin: Evgeny Telishev. Gogolevsky 29
- Thin Citizens at MMOMA on Gogolevsky
- Reboot
- Exhibition of the memory of the artist Timur Novikov at the Moscow Museum of Fine Arts on Gogolevsky Boulevard
- Evgeny Telishev. GOGOLEVSKY 29