Exhibition "Igor Grabar"
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с 19 Ноября
по 30 МартаПермская государственная художественная галерея
Комсомольский проспект, 4
The exhibition is dedicated to the life and work of Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar (1871-1960). For Russian culture, this is a rare personality, universal in its talents. Nature endowed Grabar with many talents: an excellent painter, art critic, art historian, leader and one of the authors of the first scientific "History of Russian Art" (1910-1915), one of the founders of modern museology, scientific restoration and protection of monuments of art and antiquity, teacher, Head of the Board of Trustees of the Tretyakov Gallery. In every direction of his activity, he left his mark.

As an artist, Grabar took part in many different exhibitions: the World of Art association, the Union of Russian Artists, Diaghilev exhibitions of Russian art in St. Petersburg, Paris, Berlin, Venice, all major exhibitions of the Soviet period. Already in the pre-revolutionary years, monographs dedicated to his work were published in Italy, Germany and France. In the 1900s, he was mainly engaged in landscape and still life, later a portrait appeared. Grabar completely found himself as a "singer of Russian nature", opening the world to the Russian landscape with his rich color solutions.
It is impossible to overestimate the role of Igor Grabar as the initiator and participant of 15 scientific expeditions in the preservation, restoration and study of the architectural and artistic heritage of the Russian North. He became one of the most active organizers of the protection of monuments of art and antiquity, the initiator of the creation of the State Central Art and Restoration Workshops, which bear the name of I.E. Grabar today. He and his colleagues revealed to the world the treasures of the Russian icon, the names of Andrei Rublev and Theophanes the Greek.

Grabar’s activity turned out to be for a long time and thoroughly connected with the history of the Perm gallery. In 1925, he came to Perm and, together with the gallery director Nikolai Serebrennikov, visited the most ancient settlements of the Perm Territory - Solikamsk, Usolye, Orel-gorodok and Pyskor in order to identify monuments requiring registration and storage. Igor Emmanuilovich was the first to appreciate the artistic, cultural and historical significance of the Perm wooden sculpture. He was the first of the capital’s artists in 1926 to present his famous painting "Turkestan apples" as a gift to the gallery. In subsequent years, Grabar rendered great assistance to the Permians in acquiring, studying and restoring the gallery’s collections. Thanks to him, the gallery received, for example, works by Fyodor Bronnikov, Vasily Vereshchagin, Ivan Aivazovsky, from the State Museum Fund,Alexey Bogolyubov, Vasily Polenov, Alexey Savrasov, Ivan Shishkin, Konstantin Korovin, Viktor Borisov-Musatov, Boris Kustodiev and other famous artists. Grabar’s friendship with the Perm Gallery continued until his death in 1960.
Viewers will see at the exhibition several paintings by the artist himself; a number of works received by the gallery from the State Museum Fund with the assistance of Grabar; works restored in the Central Art and Scientific Restoration Workshops. I. E. Grabar; archival photographs of Grabar and the creators of the Perm gallery; rare documents, for example, Grabar’s review of Nikolai Serebrennikov’s manuscript on Perm wooden sculpture and his correspondence with Serebrennikov, and much more.
Exhibition curator: Tamara Shmationok, leading researcher of the Perm gallery
Designers: Alexander Novikov
- Creative meeting with Andrei Bronnikov: about photography, the treasures of the Scythians and again about photography
- Lecture with translation into Russian Sign Language. "Pyotr Bronnikov"
- Overnight at the National Art Museum of Ukraine
- LEGO DESIGN for children and parents (3-4 years)
- "Snow" (12+)