Exhibition "And All This Is Naive"
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с 11 Июня
по 5 ИюляКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 104
On June 11, at 3 p.m. in the exhibition hall of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts, the exhibition “And All This Is Naive” from the collections of the Museum of Naive Art (Moscow) opens.
A special line in the development of fine art is the work of non-professional artists working in the framework of naive art.
Naive (insight) art unites those artists who have not received a professional education, but, following the dictates of their heart, try to artistically comprehend the surrounding world in their works.
In recent decades, in Russian art practice, this movement has gained aesthetic recognition and theoretical study. Today, no one doubts the fact that naive art is a whole and significant layer of Russian culture. Naive nourished and largely determined the stylistic searches of the early avant-garde artists, postmodernists, conceptual artists. A special place in creativity and love for naivety were declared by M. Chagall, K. Malevich, M. Larionov. Largely thanks to the techniques and images of naive art, success was accompanied by displays of works by Kabakov, Bruskin and others.
The exposition space of this exhibition is formed from the works that are in the collection of the Moscow Museum of Naive Art. The specifics of the work of this museum is based on the study, storage and exhibiting of works of naive art. The museum supports the creative activities of naive artists from all over Russia, organizing dozens of interchangeable exhibitions in the walls of their halls, on open-air cultural venues and in museums in other cities of Russia and abroad. Under the auspices of the Museum, in the triennial mode, an international festival of naive art and the work of outsiders "Festival" is held; The next, fifth festival will be held in 2016.
Many of the contemporary naive artists represented at the exhibition are associated with the late Soviet period. Such is V.V. Grigoriev, a blacksmith who graduated from a factory school. In adulthood, he began to create paintings filled with cozy, family and sunny images of rural life. Such is V.I. Makarov, a romantic and subtle psychologist, combining exceptional pictorial talent and the “technical” mindset of a researcher at the Academy of Sciences. The public is also familiar with the names of A.V. Suvorova, V.N. Petrova and E.M. Beaver, original painters and graphic artists who embodied sincerity, warmth and openness in their works, qualities that are so much appreciated in the domestic naive art. A unique graphic sheet by Boris Petrovich Pavlov (1888 – 1964), created in the 1950s. Working with a small format, the author, at the same time, uses extremely complex nuance color solutions through which he transforms the aesthetic impulses of modernism in his own way.
The exhibition also presents several works by foreign naive artists - Stoyana Bozhkilova (Bulgaria) and Guido Vedovato (Italy).
The exhibited works of domestic authors are at different stages of recognition, both from the side of art professionals and the audience. Some of the domestic authors have already achieved popularity. Note the nostalgic retro naive V.P. Eremenko (“Parahoda”) and the bright canvas of the Kazan artist A.M. Shaimardanova ("Salvador Dali in Kazan"). Other artists have yet to make their way towards the public.
But, of course, all the artists exhibited in the halls of the museum are worthy of the closest audience attention and sincere recognition.
As part of the exhibition vernissage, representatives of the Moscow Museum of Naive Art will give a lecture on the stylistic features of naive art.
The exhibition will run from June 11 to July 5, at the address: st. Lenin, 104 (exhibition hall)
Phone for inquiries: (4842) 56-28-30; 22-61-58.
Age limit: 0+