Exhibition of graphics by Pablo Picasso "Paragraphs"
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с 1 Августа
по 30 СентябряУсадьба В.П. Сукачева
ул. Декабрьских Событий, 112
August 1 at 16.00 in the Estate V.P. Sukachev will open the exhibition of graphics by Pablo Picasso "Paragraphs", organized in conjunction with the exhibition space "Art Bank" (St. Petersburg). The exhibition includes the work of the main stages of the master’s work: early period, blue period, analytical and synthetic cubism, sketches for the famous work “Guernica”, as well as later work.
In the exhibition you can see a series of works “The Blue Color of Barcelona”, relating to the early period of the great master. These works are imbued with the colorful life of the French capital, and the favorite motifs are images of couples in love, scenes in cafes and cabarets. In the works of the “blue period” multicolor gives way to immersion in gray-blue and dark blue tones - shades of sadness, loneliness and longing. The facets of analytical and synthetic cubism are revealed in the series “Papier-Colle” (“paper collages”). A large series of works shows the way to create one of the artist’s most famous works - Guernica, in which Pablo Picasso depicted a small Spanish town destroyed by fascist aviation. Also, the exhibition paid attention to the late post-war work of the master - in particular, his fascination with bullfighting and the depiction of bullfight in the series “Toros and Toreros”. The exhibition is completed by works from the series “War and Peace”, which summarize the work of an outstanding master.
In total, the exhibition project included 61 lithographs from private collections in Germany, Belgium and France. The total cost of the meeting, according to the owners, exceeds one million euros.
The exhibition "Paragraphs" by Pablo Picasso will open on August 1 at 16.00 in the Estate of V.P. Sukachev (112 December Events Street). Entrance to the opening is free. Phone for inquiries: 53-12-24. The exposition will run until September 30.
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